Step by Step Guide to an ATF
Aircraft: ATF Initial, Renewal or Re-issue 
Get the Forms from the CAA Website
See the Links to Forms immediately below then scroll down and study the requirements.
NTCA: Non Type Certificated Aircraft Forms
CA 24-02  Application for the Issue of an Authority to Fly (Newly Built Aircraft) 
Microlights, gyroplanes, gliders, light sport aircraft, homebuilt experimental aircraft that may be of one’s own design off a plan or from a kit, production built or assembled aircraft, the restoration and preservation of historical vintage and veteran aircraft, hot air balloons or airships, war-birds,  ex-military and finally older certified aircraft that are restored and kept flying through NTCA programs to preserve the heritage of much older aircraft that no longer meet the requirements of the type certificate or are no longer supported by the type certificate.
The current (May 24) CAA fee for a NTCA ATF is R400.00. Other fee options that may be applicable include:
Fees relating to Part 24 / Log in to Lexisnexis on the CAA website then link to
187.01.3   The following fees are payable:
For the issuing of an authority to fly or an amendment thereof (regulation 24.02.1)
For the issuing of a proving flight authority or an amendment thereof (regulation 24.02.2)
For the issuing of a special flight permit (regulation 24.02.4)
For the amendment of a special flight permit
Currency fee on the anniversary of the authority to fly (regulation 24.02.8)
For the issuance of a type approval or amendment thereof
For the issuance of build-up number or amendment thereof
Complete the form/forms and obtain the necessary attachments
On the Application CA 24-03 there is a checklist - tick off the attachments required and email the document pack to the email address specified on CA 2403.  The email address varies depending on the application eg Issue, Re-Issue, Renewal, Amendment and duplicates.
Should you have issues contact Madira Motaung 071 809 8839
That's It!
Application for the Renewal of an Authority to Fly NTCA

Number 14  is often overlooked.  Here you need to enter Service Bulletins that are relevant. At the moment for example for a Sling 2 you would need to add to the first box 1. Sling LSA POH and 2. RoTax Line Mtce Manual.  In the Issue/Amendment box add: 1. Rev 2.5 21.9.2018  2. Rev ) Sling 2  Ed 4 - 1/1/20.  eg 2. For a Jabiru in the 1st box add 1. Jabiru engine maintenance manual 2200 and 3300 and 2. Jabiru technical manual.  In the next box add 1. JE M 0002-7 / 1 June 2016.  2. JTM001-8  > 28 March 2017. Then for item 15 v re SB's add eg SB No 0018 > 28/7/2020  You need to discuss Service bulletins with your AP and double check with the manufacturer / distributor.  Compliance with the SB needs to be entered into the Service Bulletins page in your logbook. 
2. Recent Photo of aircraft in the current guise  
You need to be able to clearly see the paint work colours and the detail re patterns/stripes etc.
3. Copy of valid Mass and Balance (Within the last 5 years) 
4. Copy of Equipment List (List instruments, Radios and avionics) (Within the last 5 years) 
5. Copy of Radio Station License or proof of payment to ICASA 
Where the licence has been applied for and paid for, attach the proof of payment, the application and a signed statement covering the details of your last follow-up with ICASA.
6. Copy of last 12 Months Flight Folio pages (Aircraft Flight records)  See more here:
  1. 9.1 CAR 61.01.5 (13) - requires, at least annually, a certified copy of a summary of his or her logbook for the preceding 12 months.
  2. 9.2 CAR 61.01.8 (1) - requires that electronic logbooks must be printed out on paper at least every 90 days and the printed pages filed sequentially in a binder.
7. Copy of Airframe Logbook (Last two annual inspections done, include all maintenance records)
8. Copy of certificate of release to service. CAR 44.01.13
9. Copy of Certificate of Registration (C of R)
10. Copy of previous Authority to Fly (ATF)
11. Proof of payment of the prescribed fee as per Part 187.01.3 
12. Authority to act on behalf of the owner (power of attorney), if applicable
This is on the Cover Sheet that you downloaded as STEP 3 above
13. Copy of pitot static check. CAR 24.01.5 and CATS 44 Annex A, 1.3. (Within the last 5 years) 
14. Copy of Transponder check, if applicable. Aircraft operated under VFR unless authorised by the responsible ATSU, VFR. CAR 91.04.4   (Within the last 5 years) 
15. Copy of Compass Swing, 5 Years/Annually if Commercial CAR 44.01.12. This regulation also makes provision for an alternate means of direction indicators, however, it must be done through a modification approval.  (Within the last 5 years) 
16. Copy of Third Party Insurance. Section 8(5) Civil Aviation Act No.13 of 2009
17. Copy of accepted aircraft maintenance schedule, amendments only or on SACAA Discretion
Application for the Re-Issue of an Authority to Fly NTCA


See above for Certification validity periods.

1. Copy of Certificate of Registration (C of R)
2. Annual inspection report form CA 44-01 Annual Maintenance review report for NTCA
3. Application form CA 24-02 Application for the Issue or Re-Issue of an Authority to Fly
4. Certificate of Conformity, if applicable
5.  Proof of payment of the prescribed fee as per Part 187.01.3 
6.  Application form  CA 24-03  Application for the Renewal of an authority to fly NTCA
7.  Copy of Radio Station License or proof of payment to ICASA
8. Recent Photo of aircraft in the current guise 
9.  Copy of Equipment List (List instruments, Radios and avionics) (Within last 5 years)
10. Copy of CRMA for pitot static test
11. Copy of CRMA for Transponder check, if fitted
12. Copy of CRMA for Compass Swing, 5 Years/Annually if Commercial CAR 44.01.12. This regulation also makes provision for an alternate means of direction indicators, however, it must be done through a modification approval.
13. Copy of Third Party Insurance. Section 8(5) Civil Aviation Act No.13 of 2009
14. Copy of accepted aircraft maintenance schedule 
15. Copy of valid Mass and Balance 
16. Copy of Airframe Logbook, (propeller and engine logbooks if the aircraft has) (Last two annual inspections done, include all maintenance records)
17. Copy of last 12 Months Flight Folio pages (Aircraft Flight records) (Not applicable for amendment)
18. Copy of certificate of release to service. CAR 44.01.13 
19. Copy of previous Authority to Fly (ATF)
A Temporary Certificate of Airworthiness checklist of requirements is available on CA 21- 43
a) ADs and SBs
- ADs (Airworthiness Directives) are issued by the CAA or Other Competent State Authority which requires defined action to be taken on a specified aircraft type.
- SBs (Service Bulletins) are notices to aircraft operators from a manufacturer notifying them of a product improvement.
b) Build Number ( Where an owner builder applied for one (CA 24-07) and now seeks an ATF.
c) Burn Test Certificate ( Issued by an AMO after testing the resistance to fire of cabin materials used, such as; seat covers, carpets, and seat belts.  It may be required for home built initial ATF applications. See FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations - USA) 25.853 or equivalent specification re fire protection - it defines a bunsen burner test.  (CAR 21.08.4 (2)(a))

Banker: Standard Bank South Africa
Branch: Brooklyn, South Africa
Branch Code: 011245(12 to be added if a deposit is made outside RSA)
Current Account Number: 0000013007971
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Ref. Code for ATF:  Z?-??? (?= applicable aircraft registration marks)
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