Step by Step Guide to a ATPL (H)
Pilot Licensing (Helicopter): ATPL Initial or Revalidation + Renewal
Get the Forms from the CAA Website
ATPL Form - Issue
CA 61-01.0  Application for the Initial Issue of a ATPL (H) and in addition
CA 61-08.4  Skills Test Report for ATPL (H 1,500 hrs required up to 50% on Aeroplanes)
CA 61-10.4  Skills Test Report for Night Rating (H 50 hrs -required)
A 61-11.4  Skills Test Report for Instrument Rating (H - 30 hrs required) This skills test may be used for the addition of an aeroplane variant provided all other requirements have been met and the form CA 61-09.6 or CA 61-09.7, as applicable, accompanies form CA 61-11.4.
CA 61-09.6  Application for Type Rating (A) & (H)
CA 61-09.7  Notification of Aircraft Differences or Familiarisation Training
ATPL Form - Revalidation
CA 61-08.4 Skills Test Report for ATPL (H)
CA 61-10.4  Skills Test Report for Night Rating (H 50 hrs -required)
A 61-11.4  Skills Test Report for Instrument Rating (H - 30 hrs required) This skills test may be used for the addition of an aeroplane variant provided all other requirements have been met and the form CA 61-09.6 or CA 61-09.7, as applicable, accompanies form CA 61-11.4.
CA 61-09.6  Application for Type Rating (A) & (H)
CA 61-09.7  Notification of Aircraft Differences or Familiarisation Training
ATPL Form - Renewal
CA 61-183  Application for Renewal of CAR Part 61 Licence

Complete the applicable form/forms and obtain the necessary attachments
Note that you will be compiling a pack of documents that could exceed the page attachment size limitations of most emailers. For this reason, you should submit files in clearly marked folders. The Folders should be titled Z?-???  Part 1,  Z?-??? Part 2, where the ?s are replaced with your aircraft registration letters.
Logbook summaries and copies
All pilots are reminded that: CAR 61.01.5(13) requires, at least annually, a certified copy of a summary of his or her logbook for the preceding 12 months. CAR 61.03.6(c), 61.04.6(c), 61.05.6(c), 61.06.6(c), 61.07.6(c) and 61.08.6(c) each require certified (by a Commissioner of Oaths) copies of the last 3 pages of his or her logbook and all endorsements with the annual revalidation fee. CAR 61.01.8(1) requires that electronic logbooks must be printed out on paper at least every 90 days and the printed pages filed sequentially in a binder.
Pay the Fees and attach a proof of payment find the fees here: SA CAA Fees, Charges & Levies
Banker: Standard Bank South Africa
Branch: Brooklyn, South Africa
Branch Code011245(12 to be added if a deposit is made outside RSA)
Current Account Number: 0000013007971
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Ref. Code: Pilot Licence No - If none ID/Passport No. ( " use the same number on the form")
> Complete the forms for  "Initial Issue"   "Validation"  or  "Renewal" 
> Download the Checklist, tick it off and attach it.
Submit the Application with the Attachment Folder. Include a concent form if required. 
Should your application be delayed contant a SA CAA License Issuance Officer 
Please read the attachment to find out more about the Initial Skills Test and Revalidation Check for ATPL (A) & (H) - Click Here

                                                  That's It!
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