Step by Step Guide to Change of Ownership & Reregistration
Aircraft: Change of Ownership
Change of Ownership
Note 5 on page one of CA-47A4 reads: An application for registration of an aircraft by the person, to whom the ownership of the aircraft is transferred, shall be made in terms of regulation 47.02.1 within 30 days from the date of transfer. This should read: An application for change of ownership of an aircraft by the person, to whom the ownership of the aircraft is transferred, shall be made in terms of regulation 47.02.1 within 30 days from the date of transfer.
Where an aircraft has been subject to a lease or other financial arrangement with a financing house then a release must be sent by the financing house directly to the CAA. It will expedite the change of ownership if a copy is made available with the application. Click for an example.
Complete the form/forms and obtain the necessary attachments
Note that you will be compiling a pack of documents that could exceed the page attachment size limitations of most emailers. For this reason, you should submit files in clearly marked folders. The Folders should be titled Z?-???  Part 1,  Z?-??? Part 2, where the ?s are replaced with your aircraft registration letters.
Pay the CAA Fee for the transfer or change of ownership of R860 and include the proof of payment in the atachments submitted.
Prepare a Folder for submission
 Tick section 3.2 to confirm the attachments submitted and email the submission to the email address at the top of page 1.
Should you experience a delay or if you need assistance contact the Registration Section
at  Telephone 011 545 1474 Alternatively  Monica Saltmarsh 083 451 2612 | Siphiwe Malibe  066 470 2829

That's It!

Change of Ownership
SA CARS 47.02.6   (1)  If the holder of a certificate of registration transfers ownership of the aircraft specified in the certificate, such holder shall, within 30 days from the date of transfer notify the Director in the appropriate prescribed form.
(2)  If the holder in whose name the aircraft is registered—
is an individual and has died, the notification referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the letter of executorship issued in terms of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965 (Act No. 66 of 1965);
is an individual and the estate of such holder is sequestrated, the notification referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the certificate of appointment issued in terms of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act No. 24 of 1936);
is a company or a close corporation and such holder is liquidated, the notification referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the certificate of appointment issued in terms of the Companies Act, 2008, or the Close Corporations Act, 1984, as the case may be.
(3)  In the case where the aircraft is repossessed by a financing entity, the notification referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by a certified copy of—
a finance agreement between the holders of the certificate of registration and the financier;
a resolution by the financier authorising transfer of ownership of the aircraft;
an identity document of the authorised representative of the financier; and
a court order authorising the transfer of ownership; or
a voluntary surrender of ownership by the registered owner.
(4)  An application for registration of an aircraft by the person, to whom the ownership of the aircraft is transferred, shall be made in terms of regulation 47.02.1 within 30 days from the date of transfer.
(5)  A certificate of registration shall no longer be valid from the 31st day after the date on which the holder of the certificate of registration has transferred to another person ownership of the aircraft.
(6)  From the date on which a certificate of registration has become invalid in terms of sub-regulation (5), no person shall use the aircraft specified in the certificate until such time as the aircraft is registered in the name of the person to whom ownership of the aircraft is transferred.
Banker: Standard Bank South Africa
Branch: Brooklyn, South Africa
Branch Code011245(12 to be added if a deposit is made outside RSA)
Current Account Number: 0000013007971
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Ref. Code for ATF:  Z?-??? (?= applicable aircraft registration marks)
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