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On an Android device. eg Samsung & Tablet
Use the Chrome browser to open the page.
Tap the “Menu” button, and then tap “Add to Home Screen.”
Some older Android Phones may require you to download a Bookmarking App from the Playstore.
Android:   Menu Button  or Overflow Button    +    + Edit Title & 
How to Install the Mobile Apps on Phones on an iOS device. eg iPhone & iPad
Use Safari or Firefox to open  the page.
Note: Some browsers do not allow the option "add to home Screen".
Tap the “Bookmark” button, and then tap “Add to Home Screen.”
iPhone: Share Button     +  + Edit Title & 
About Our Contact List Apps:
Our contact lists will always be work in progress as we will continuoisly work to improve them.
The reviews & deals column is new and more deals will be on offer over time. The contact lists update each time they are opened.  Read more about us at 
Personal contact lists have always been prized to the degree that they meet the needs of users. The world has moved from business card holders and rolladexes to contact lists on phones. A contact list is desired if it is comprehensive. The value is enhanced if one is able to link to testimonials, reviews and the buzz on social media. In addition, links to specials, deals and coupons further enhances the value of contact lists.
Our lists are, by design, permantly under construction and our aim is to create contact lists on areas of interest that boast testimonials, reviews, social media buzz, specials, deals and coupons.
Our Contact List APPs can be button bookmarked on the home screens of most smart phones. Each Time that you tap the icon on your phone the latest version will display.
Social Media Marketing "By Users"  for  "For Users"
Every Contact List and Listing is Free to All
Suggest a Handy Contact List - Any Town, Popular Topics, etc. - If it is good, it will be shared.
Contact lists link to Specials & Deals and your Views on Loyalty & Referral Communicators