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    Meetings Communicator

    Our Open To Chat Box. Have your say and see what others say. Blogs are useful content presenters. We offer blogs by category - select one below.                Subscribe to all posts  |  Unsubscribe
    Our Open To Chat Box. Have your say and see what others say. Blogs are useful content presenters. We offer blogs by category. Some meetings may best be recorded on a blog. The MEETING ROOMS, in stripped down format without the many extras is a blog with recorded comments forming the basis for dialogue.
    By Alan Mackenzie

    Online Meeting Packs & Meeting Rooms: How To Tutorials                 Follow this category   |   Unfollow

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    How To Tutorials: Getting Started: Sign-up and Registration
    Posted On:  12th, September 2016
    ​Meeting Participants REGISTRATION and LOGIN Site LOGIN is essential for meeting participants who wish to register formal comments. We have a meetings dashboard, in the online meeting rooms, for on and off record chat however the SA Companies Act requires Directors to register views on certain meeting agenda mat
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    How To Tutorials: The Quickstart Guide to Meeting Packs & Meeting Rooms
    Posted On:  14th, September 2016
    MEETING PACKS - MEETING ROOMS - READING ROOMS Meeting PacksFormal Meetings within a sound corporate governance framework call for documentation audit trails that historically saw the production of board or meeting packs that were collated in files running to up to about 1,000 pages. Today you have the choice of sw
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    How To Tutorials: The Virtual Meeting Room (VMR)
    Posted On:  10th, October 2016
    .IntroductionTo understand the synergy that the Meetings Communicator unlocks one must understand the phases and their roles. The Meeting PackThe Link & List Communicator delivers, one click content. Click a link and you go to a document, blog, flipbook, meeting room, etc. Version updates are instantly availab
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    How To Tutorials: Adding the Communicator APP to Phones, Tablets, iPads and PCs
    Posted On:  10th, September 2016
    How to Install the Mobile AppOn an iOS device. Use Safari or Firefox to open  the page (you can’t bookmark from some other browsers). Tap the “Bookmark” button, and then tap “Add to Home Screen.” On an Android device. Use the Chrome browser to open the page. Tap the “Menu&r
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    How To Tutorials: Four Channel Integration: Info Collection & Delivery
    Posted On:  14th, September 2016
    The Role Of The Link and List Communicator with New vs Existing Customers The role of the communicator lies in content delivery however,it needs to be appreciated that it is one of four channelsStep 1: Establish user needsContent (Text, audio, image and video) relevant to users is dependent on user needs. Largely,
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    How To Tutorials: Delivering Meeting Packs
    Posted On:  14th, September 2016
    <.p>Meeting Packs are hosted on a website that has a site builder which includes a communicator builder. When built the communicator can be found on the internet at a URL. Communicator URLs are listed in the Admin Panel on the Link & List Communicator page. The Link and List Communicator page in the Admin Pan
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    How To Tutorials: Audio and Video Conferencing
    Posted On:  14th, September 2016
     Audio and Video Conferencing. For many years online meetings have been enabled by audio and video conferencing. Until relatively recently video conferencing was an expensive option that required the construction of dedicated video conference rooms. As a personal aside, I recall dashing to catch a plane in Ca
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    How To Tutorials: Making Meeting Minute Templates
    Posted On:  17th, September 2016
    Making Meeting Templates.The CKEditor that we use is a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Editor that offers table layouts as a means of organising content on a page. The most simple way of creating relevant templates for financial and project management reporting is to obtain a few different excel spreadsheet
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