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#Hashtag Competitions, Text and Image Polls & Surveys, Managed online & printed entry forms and more

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Loyalty Programme Marketing

Loyalty Programme Marketing enables clients to easily share referrals
and so become advocates of a business that meets expectations.
Having a branded App creates a community of customers who contribute and who share.
Competitions, #Hashtagging, Polls and Surveys are some of the ways, discussed below, that are available on the App.
Customer contests are a well established marketing channel. Our unique advantage is that we offer a simple and transparent competition management system that allows you to meet the objectives as discussed in the American Express OPEN Forum article that is offered below. Research the internet and you will be swamped with ideas and reasons for engaging your customers with competitions. For your ease of reference we offer these links as a kick start reading list.

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.
While contests and sweepstakes have been around for a long time, they have taken on a new life with the growth of the social web. Contests are certainly not the answer to every marketing challenge, but they should be part of every social media marketer’s toolkit. Here are four reasons why.
1. Contests Are a Great Tool for Building Your Fan Base
Whether you are starting with 100 or 100,000 likes on your Facebook Page, contests offer a proven way to increase that number. I’ve seen clients go from 50 to 1,000 and from 15,000 to 30,000 likes in a matter of days or weeks when running a contest. Of course this is not the only metric to think about, but it is one measure of the power of a promotion. A basic enter-to-win sweepstakes with a lower barrier to entry often provides the best option for those just starting out with social media contests or without a large base of fans in place.
2. Contests Enable You To Engage Your Audience
In addition to increasing the sheer number of people who interact with your brand, a contest provides a means to deepen the connection as well. A user-generated content (UGC) promotion such as a photo or video contest is a great way to do just that. UGC contests tap in to the human drive to compete, and they provide an opportunity for everyone to experience their 15 minutes of fame. Most importantly, when participants upload their personal content (e.g., a photo or story) to your promotion, they are naturally invested in your brand.
3. Contests Are a Rich Source of Data
With the lure of a prize, many people are prepared to share information with you as part of the entry process. You don’t want to introduce too many barriers, but don’t miss the opportunity to learn a bit more about your consumers (i.e., how they heard about your promotion, what their favorite product of yours is, etc.). Remember that what you ask should be commensurate with what you offer in return. In addition to collecting data as part of the entry process, you can also learn a great deal from the interaction and conversation that takes place around your contest, so be sure to listen in.
4. Contests Empower Consumers To Do Your Marketing For You
How would you like to have hundreds or thousands of your fans helping to spread the word about your campaign? It is important to have a promotional plan that encompasses multiple marketing channels, but thanks to sharing via social media, contests today enable an amplification of your marketing message that was not previously possible.
If your contest includes a voting component, participants will be inclined to share through their social graph, asking friends and family to support their entry. From experience, I've adopted the following rules of thumb in voting competitions: You are likely to see ten voters for every entry (often many more) as well as ten clicks for every shared link. These numbers represent a significant multiplier of traffic to your contest site or application as a result of consumers marketing to other consumers.
Like other tools, contests can be extremely effective when used as part of a comprehensive social media strategy. Any consumer facing organization, as well as many business-to-business enterprises, can take advantage of contests to realize the four benefits highlighted above.
 Some of the competition types that we support include:
  • Offer a picture and request a caption to the photo.
    • Pictures/Competitions could follow a theme from fun to serious business topics. eg
    • The customers can tweet the caption which can be harvested on the App - The Tweet Archive option is one click away and shows who tweeted what and when.
    • The customers can download an online or printed entry form that can be redeemed online instore or customers can e-mail completed entry forms that the App offers as a download.
    • The caption can be tagged with a #hashtag by the customer when adding the caption to their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google+ social media pages. These #hashtag'ed comments will be harvested by the App for display by making a selection from the one-click #hashtag options.
    • Trending captions can be added to a text poll survey on the App and customers can vote online with instant latest feedback on the poll result.
  • Offer photo options and get customers to vote on the App.
  • Offer text multiple choice alternatives to a question and get customers to vote on the App.
App Toolbox
  • Each of the options available are not unique, but what is unique, is that we have brought together a diverse and powerful a marketing toolbox.
  • Each of the options is just one click away making them simple and easy to use.
  • They will empower your customer base to become your marketing agents and thereby extend your market reach in a way that will astound.
We offer Image and text #hashtag harvesting, Polls and Surveys, Reviews, online and offline (printed) competition entries and more.
Image harvesting

Select an option from the dropdown list and see the images that customers have tagged with the shared #hashtag.
If you select Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or Twitter you will get a search result page for the #hashatag on your social media page.

If you select Twitter Archive you will get a listing of the tweets at the defined Twitter Address. In this case it would be @shellfish.

If you select Instagram you will get a gallery of images tagged on Instagram with the shared #hashtag.
We have an integrated image harvesting enabler that collects and displays images from your own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Just select your choice of social media option to display the images.

Customer sharing
Social media sharing with friends on Facebook, Twitter followers, Pinterest followers etc is easy select the one-click option of your choice and submit.
Easy to review
  • Reviews can also be used to invite a chat at given times on given topics  eg  #ChatFitness
  • To limit spam reviews will require that customers register and log in.
  • Reviews will be available for edit or deletion in the MY ACCOUNT of any customer.
The urge to share interesting information, valuable deals, interesting stories, fun pictures is often surpressed as it is not easy to do.
Read More
The Webo Vouchers App puts Read More Information, Reviews and Sharing only one click away. The Read more button links to two webpages, images, video and much more.
One click Pinterest #hashtag Search Results

One click Google+ #hashtag Search Results

One click Facebook #hashtag Seach Results

One click Twitter #hashtag Search Results
#Managed entries
In the same way that the App manages the distribution of a coupon,  the coupon can in fact be a competition entry form, on which customers record their details and the answers to competition questions. The Redemption process would manage the submission of competition entries.
Chat to us about designing a competition.
Better still, formulate a loyalty programme that gets your business growing!
Webo Digital Giveaways

PcPe: The People Centred Performance Enhancement eBook is published in over one hundred countries and is available on Amazon. If you seek a turnaround strategy that works this eBook is tried and tested and has turned around small businesses, National Government Departments and even a University Department. You can read the reviews and about the USA 5 Star Award on Amazon. Click the links above to read these books on Webo Apps. TTGO: The book on the right Time to Go Online will help you navigate the challenges of going online.  There is no charge for these eBooks - we do not ask for e-mail adresses. If you'd like to chat however, let's set up a strategy session and get your business growing.



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