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Who does what?

Support suppliers who offer coupon specials and deals by demonstrating the App and Redemption process.
Agents blog and actively participate in social media conversations on WhatsGood.
" Suppliers can be agents who offer selected non-competitive coupons on their coupon sites to their customers." In this way local business can market each other.
Appoint agents, create contact lists and blog about an adopted
WhatsGood contact list.
Webo builds the Contact List Apps and contacts the suppliers on the contact list.

What is the value proposition?

When a list is good it will be shared to the point that it has a significat audience who enjoy the convenience of a handy researched contact list that details entities that they may need to contact.
List audiences will participate on the blog and on social media re: what is good. Reviews will increase the social value of the list.
Coupon Specials and Deals will offer real financial savings to the audience who will enjoy ease of access to available tangible financial savings.

What are the targeted revenue streams?

100 performing coupons offering a minimum saving of R140 each will be sold at R30 each. Agents get 20% and Distributors 15%
Agents : 100 coupons selling 3 to 4 per day or 100 per mth. 100x100x20%xR30=R60,000pm
Achieve 50% of the target & earnings will be R30,000 pm
Businesses are contractual appointments and businesses can be sold. This is an executive summary.
Distributors : With 2 Agents at standard performance.
Achieve 50% of the target & eanings will be R45,000 pm
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to chat about the detail.
We also offer site building business opportunities.



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