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Westline Aviation

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    Air, Flying
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You want to Become a Pilot?
Westline Aviation welcomes you!
But, before you take the plunge, it is essential to know what you are getting yourself in to!
Selection of the correct training establishment is as important as your decision to become a pilot. Well, look no further! We here at Westline Aviation maintain all the essential elements that you as an aspiring pilot should be looking for. Finally, an organisation that can be trusted to put your flight training needs first!
Westline Aviation is ideally situated at New Tempe Airport in Bloemfontein and provides world class training on both Fixed Wing Aircraft and Helicopters. A highly qualified and dedicated team are on call to support your full spectrum of training. We pledge to give you the best training, not only flying knowledge and skills, but also a healthy attitude towards flight safety.
Our website will tell you more about us; such as the various courses offered and the quality of training we provide. Find out first-hand why Westline Aviation is held in such high regard in the aviation industry and why we are proud of our flight training institution.
So, whether you want to be a recreational pilot or an Airline pilot, our team is ready to assist you in taking this important step towards realising your dream. Flight Training Environment – New Tempe Airport
New Tempe Airport comprises of two asphalt surface runways, two glider strips and parallel taxi/micro-light landing strips next to the main runways.
We are situated in an uncontrolled airspace and the Bloemfontein general flying area is within five minutes flying to the North.
Weather Patterns
Westline is situated in the heart of South Africa, we have excellent flying conditions and the weather is hardly ever the reason for flight cancellations. Bloemfontein has 12 hours of daylight available for training in the summer and 10 hours in winter. This saves a lot of money because more and frequent air time means less time spent at the school which means less expense in stay and travel.
Available Airspace
Route flying is more readily available and flying to the bigger centres in the country is quite possible, you are in the centre of South Africa. Our airspace is not clogged!
Training Airfield
Tempe is self-regulated concerning air traffic control and the ground time is thus restricted to taxi and pre-take-off checks. No excessive orbiting when doing circuits. At Tempe you get on average two to three times more landings in per slot which means you go solo earlier and thus again, save money. Thus more air time and more practice time!
Night Flying Restrictions
There are no restrictions to the hours we may do night flying. Combine this with our excellent weather and you will get your night rating done in no time!
Surrounding Area
Bloemfontein caters for all the normal social needs, but we also have exquisite beauty in the countryside. Our nearby mountains and game farms are spectacular. All the different denominations (beliefs) are catered for in the city. You are here to study and because of the quieter environment, your studies will be expedited and again less funds required in achieving your goal.
Examination Centre
Westline hosts an online accredited examination centre for the theoretical subjects of the Private Pilot Licence and Instructors rating. The exams will be written in the examination room under surveillance of a remote invigilator and strict exam protocol will be followed. A set amount of time is allowed to complete the multiple choice questions. Results are given immediately accompanied by a coaching report that indicates the incorrectly answered questions. The pass rate is 75%.
Examination Preparation
Students will be required to pass mock exams before they can attempt the SACAA exams. Our policy is that our instructors must declare our students fit for exams. This holds true for PPL, CPL and Instructors exams, when we are satisfied that your mock exams have found you to be competent to write the required exams, then only will you be allowed to commence. You are no longer left to your own devices, but can rely on our support!
Flight Training Offered
All training modules offered are incorporated into an integrated master plan; flight training elements will be done in accordance with ICAO principles. Our training is highly structured and integrates ground and flight instruction, our courses are designed to make you a safe and proficient pilot.
The first step in aviation training is to obtain your Private Pilot Licence; this is the foundation to all your future flying. This licence will allow flying under visual flight conditions with your friends and family as passengers.
Course Duration
A full time student should complete the course in 3 to 6 months.
The Pre-Requisites
Students are declared medically fit by an approved aviation medical examiner. We are able to assist you in making the relevant appointments.
You must be at least 15 to go solo and 17 years of age before you can obtain your Private Pilot Licence.
Meet the English Language Proficiency standards.
Student Pilot Licence, medical and excess insurance must be in place prior to the first flight.
Practical Training
The minimum hours to obtain your Private Pilot Licence on a fixed wing aircraft are 45 hours and 50 on a helicopter which consists of:
30 hours of dual flight training with an instructor on a fixed wing aircraft/35 hours of dual flight training with an instructor on a helicopter.
15 hours of solo flight training including a minimum of five hours solo cross country navigation flight.
Practical flight and navigational skill test.
Navigation training could be extended to one more navigation to compensate for controlled airspace communication.
Each flying session includes a theoretical and or briefing component before and after each flight. The student is required to prepare beforehand.
Theoretical Training
The following subjects need to be passed with a pass mark of at least 75%:
Principles of Flight
Air Law
Flight Planning and Performance
Human Performance and Limitations
Aircraft Technical and General
Restricted Radio Telephony Certificate
Each flying session includes a theoretical and or briefing component before and after each flight. The student is required to prepare beforehand.
Night Rating
After the completion of your Private Pilot Licence the next step is to obtain your Night Rating. The Night Rating allows the pilot to fly in suitable visual weather conditions.
A valid Private Pilot Licence
Pass a SACAA online exam
5 hours of Ground School
5 hours of Simulator IF training
5 hours of night flight training including a night cross country flight and at least 5 take offs and landings by night
Practical flight and navigational skill test
Instrument Rating
With an Instrument rating a pilot will have the ability to control the aircraft attitude and performance, by sole reference to instruments and radio aids.
You may obtain your Instrument Rating as PPL or CPL holder. The theoretical subjects for a PPL Instrument Rating and a CPL Instrument rating are identical except that in order to obtain a CPL Aircraft Technical must be written.
The course is designed to make you a safe and proficient Instrument Pilot.
Valid Private Pilot Licence or Commercial Pilot Licence
Valid Night Rating
Total of 200 hours of flight time (CPL)
Total of 250 hours of total flight time with 100 hours pilot in command (PPL)
Class 1 Medical Certificate
Practical Training
50 hours cross country as pilot in command
20 hours instrument flying in an aircraft
20 hours instrument flying in a simulator
Pass a practical skills flight test with a Designated Flight Examiner
The following subjects need to be passed with a pass mark of at least 75%:
Principles of Flight
Air Law
Flight Planning and Performance
Human Performance and Limitations
Aircraft Technical and General (CPL only)
General Radio Telephony Certificate
The holder of a commercial pilot licence can act as a pilot of an aircraft and can be legally compensated for piloting services rendered.
The Commercial Pilot Licence course can be integrated to include an Instrument and Multi – Engine Rating.
Commercial Pilot Licence – Fixed Wing
A total of 200 flight hours is required to obtain the Commercial Pilot Licence. The course can be integrated to include an Instrument and Multi – Engine Rating. For this purpose the school has an Arrow 200 single engine retractable, variable pitch and a Baron 55E aircraft ideally suitable for advance, IF and Multi-engine training.
Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter
Westline offers the complete Commercial Pilot course, which consist of 200 flying hours, after which the licence holder may do helicopter work in the private sector. The course can be integrated to include an Instrument Rating. The Westline has available an R22 and R44 available for training.
Course Duration
A full time student should complete the course in 18 to 24 months.
At least 18 years of age before you can obtain your Commercial Pilot Licence
Valid Private Pilot Licence
Valid Night Rating
Total of 200 hours of flight time (CPL)
Class 1 Medical Certificate
Meet the English Language Proficiency standards
Practical Training
Minimum 100 hours pilot in command
Minimum 10 hours pilot in command by night
Minimum 50 hours cross country (CPL with IF)
Minimum 20 hours cross country (CPL only)
Minimum 40 hours instrument flying (20 hours can be on a simulator)
Pass a practical skills flight test with a Designated Flight Examiner
The following subjects need to be passed with a pass mark of at least 75%:
Instruments and Electronics
Air Law
Flight Planning and Performance
Human Performance and Limitations
Aircraft Technical and General
General Radio Telephony Certificate
Multi-Engine Rating
A Multi-Engine rating qualifies you to fly an aircraft with more than one engine.
Most employment opportunities require experience on Multi Engine Aircraft; the Commercial Pilot Licence preparation can overlap with an Initial Multi Engine Rating Preparation.
Course Duration
A full time student should complete the course in 3 to 4 weeks.
The minimum requirement is a PPL with at least 150 total flying hours.
The initial Multi Engine conversion must be done with a suitable rated multi rated Instructor.
Ground School lectures totalling at least 4 hours will include theoretical flying technique and Multi Engine phraseology.
An Aircraft Technical will be completed before flying commences.
A Multi Engine quiz must be completed prior to the commencement of training.
A minimum of 7 hours towards a conversion on the Multi Engine Aircraft, 2 hours can be done on a simulator.
20 hours of Instrument Training, of which 5 hours can be done on a simulator, 5 hours on a Single Engine Aircraft and 10 hours on a Multi-Engine aircraft.
Instructors Rating
Obtaining an Instructors Rating is money well invested. The most natural place for a Commercial Pilot to build hours towards an ATPL is by becoming a Flight Instructor.
An Instructor’s rating improves your abilities and skills and enhances employment opportunities and is mostly a requirement if you are interested in joining the Airlines.
The only requirement is a valid Commercial Pilot Licence.
Course Duration
A full time student should complete the course in 6 months.
Practical Training
20 hours of patter training of which 5 hours may be on a Simulator
30 hours of ground briefings
Pass a practical skills test in lecturing and air exercises with a Designated Flight Examiner
The following subjects need to be passed with a pass mark of at least 75%:
Applied Meteorology & Navigation
Principles of Flight & Legislation
It is essential to know the minimum hours required by the South African Civil Aviation to obtain a licence are exactly that, the minimum requirements. It is unusual for a student to achieve the level of competency within these hour constraints. Every individual has different rates of learning and understanding, aptitude plays a major role in your progression and therefore additional training to meet the standards expected in testing, might lead to additional hours of training.
If you want to go all the way and become an Airline Captain this is the license that you will have to acquire. This is also the highest qualification you can get as a Pilot. This license consists of a ground school phase and to qualify for your ATPL you will require 1500 hours of flying experience which includes:
250 hours as Pilot in command;
75 hours of instrument flying and
100 Night hours pilot in command
You must hold a valid medical certificate and subjects can be completed as soon as you have received your CPL. After passing your last ATPL subject, you have 5 years to complete your flight hours.
Westline Aviation offers a complete ATPL ground school study phase lasting nine weeks, during which the six ATPL subjects are lectured. The school has the capability to handle 30 students at a time during this phase. For helicopter CPL/ATPL students lectures are available to cover helicopter Aircraft Technical & General.
The subjects are as follows:
Navigation General
Aircraft Technical & General
Flight Planning
Radio Aids
Our very own Designated Flight Examiner is qualified to conduct your ATPL flight test upon you reaching all the requirements.
Westline Aviation
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