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How to Add the Bat Hawk Portal Communicator APP to the Home Screen of Your Phone

 Note: Select MENU (3 dots on Android Phones or the square with an arrow on iPhones) the Add to Home Screen. That's it - select Read More for an illustrated guideline.
 Product Number: How to Guideline

 Country/Territory: South Africa

Select MENU (3 dots on Android Phones or the square with an arrow on iPhones) the Add to Home Screen. That's it - select Read More for an illustrated guideline.

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There are a variety of mobile phone operating systems and a few desk top computer operating systems. 
How to add a button to your home screen is similar for most phones. 
The following applies to Android and iOS devices.
iPhones & IPads:
  1. Select Menu
  2. Select > Add to Home Screen
  3. Edit and short​en the Button Name
  4. That\\'s It
Android Phones & Tablets
  1. Select Menu
  2. Select > Add to Home Screen
  3. Edit and shorten the Button Name
  4. That\\'s It.


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