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TECHNICAL STANDARDS: How to Find the CAA Personnel Licensing CATS on the CAA Website.

The latest CATS (Civil Aviation Technical Standards)  can be found on the CAA website by accessing a LINK from the website to LexisNexis.  You will find the following:
  • SA-CATS 61 Pilot Licensing
  • SA-CATS 62 National Pilot Licensing
  • SA-CATS 63 Flight Engineer Licensing
  • SA-CATS 64 Cabin Crew Licensing
  • SA-CATS 65 Air Traffic Service Personnel Licensing
  • SA-CATS 66 List of Technical Standards Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing
  • SA-CATS 67 Medical Requirements
  • SA-CATS 68 Glider Pilot Licensing
  • SA-CATS 69 Free Balloon Pilot Licensing
As an example:
Document SA-CATS 61 contains the standards, rules, requirements, methods, specifications, characteristics and procedures which are applicable with respect to the procedures for licensing pilots.
Each reference to a technical standard in this document is a reference to the corresponding regulation in the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011. For example, technical standard 61.01.7 refers to regulation 7 of Subpart 01 of Part 61 of the Regulations.
The abbreviation “CAR” is used throughout this document when referring to any regulation.
The abbreviation “TS” refers to any Technical Standard.
To Start go to  select Information for the Industry and open the drop-down menu
then follow the steps below.
There is no other way to access this information for those that do not subscribe to LexisNexis. 
To Start go to  select Information for the Industry and open the drop down menu then follow the steps below.
This will log you in to LexisNexis. Only when you are logged in to Lexis Nexis will the SA CATS Part 61 re Pilot licencing requirements schedule, detailed below, be activated to hyperlink to the page selected.
select FEES - that's it.
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