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NPL Paraglider Rating

NPL Paraglider Rating:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 62: National Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
National Pilot Licence - Paraglider Rating
(1)  A paraglider rating may be issued with a tandem rating in two classes—
(a) basic; and
(b) sport.
(2) For the holder of a national pilot licence to be issued with a category rating and the Basic Class rating for paragliders, he or she shall—
(a) have acquired the applicable experience referred to in regulation 62.08.2;
(b) have successfully completed the applicable training referred to in regulation 62.08.3;
(c) have passed the applicable theoretical knowledge examination referred to in regulation 62.08.4; and
(d) have passed the applicable skill test referred to in regulation 62.08.5.
(3) The applicant for the upgrading from the Basic Class to the Sport Class paraglider rating shall have held the Basic Class rating for at least six months and have acquired the experience prescribed in regulation 62.08.2.
(4) The applicant for the paraglider tandem rating shall—
(a) have held a paraglider rating for at least 24 months;
(b) be the holder of a sport class rating;
(c) hold an appropriate medical fitness certificate, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 62; and
(d) have acquired the experience prescribed in regulation 62.08.2.
Application for paraglider class or add-on rating
An application for the issuing of a paraglider class or add-on rating shall—
(a) be made to the Director or the organisation designated for the purpose in terms of part 149, as the case may be, on the appropriate form as prescribed by the Director;
(b) be accompanied by—
(i) certified summary of the applicant’s pilot logbook;
(ii) certified copy of the applicant’s national pilot licence;
(iii) a valid medical fitness certificate as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 62;
(iv) the completed training proficiency card as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 62;
(v) original or certified proof that the applicant has passed the theoretical knowledge examination referred to in regulation 62.08.3;
(vi) original or certified proof that the applicant has passed the skill test referred to in regulation 62.08.4;
(vii) the appropriate fee as prescribed in part 187; and
(viii) any additional information as may be requested by the Director or the organisation designated for the purpose in terms of part 149, as the case may be.
Issuing of paraglider rating
The Director or the organisation designated for the purpose in terms of part 149, as the case may be, shall endorse the applicant’s national pilot licence with the appropriate paraglider class or add-on rating, if the applicant complies with the requirements prescribed in regulation 62.08.6.
Period of validity
A paraglider class or add-on rating shall be valid for an indefinite period, provided its holder is the holder of a valid national pilot licence and maintains competency as prescribed in regulation 62.08.10.
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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