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CPL Aeroplane Issue

Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) Issue:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)
Requirements for a CPL(A)
 (1)  An applicant for a CPL(A) must—
be 18 years or older;
hold a valid medical certificate, issued in terms of Part 67;
hold at least a valid general certificate of proficiency in radiotelephony (aeronautical);
produce evidence of holding or having held, within the previous 60 months, one of the following—
a South African PPL(A);
a pilot licence (aeroplane) issued by a Contracting State;
a SPL where the applicant has completed an integrated training course approved by the Authority;
have successfully completed the training as prescribed in Document 61 at an approved Part 141 ATO;
have passed the theoretical knowledge examination as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
have passed the skills test referred to in regulation 61.05.4; and
hold a valid night rating (aeroplane).
(2)  An applicant for a CPL(A) must have completed not less than—
200 hours of flight time, which may include 20 hours of flight instruction time in an FSTD, approved for the purpose; or
150 hours of flight time if he or she has successfully completed the integrated training referred to in regulation 61.01.15.
(3)  The total of 200 hours or 150 hours, as the case may be, referred to in subregulation (2), must include—
100 hours as PIC, or 70 hours as PIC in the case of an applicant who has undergone the integrated training; and
20 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC, including one flight of not less than 300 NM, in the course of which full-stop landings at not less than two different aerodromes away from base must have been made; and
5 hours of night flying as PIC, including not less than 10 take-offs and 10 landings by night, and a cross-country flight of at least three legs, each of a minimum length of 50 NM; and
10 hours of instrument instruction time, of which not more than 5 hours may have been acquired in an FSTD; and
at least 5 hours instruction in an aeroplane with adjustable flaps, retractable under carriage and variable pitch propeller or turbojet engine.
(4)  A South African Air Force qualified pilot may apply to be credited with theoretical knowledge examination and flight time in terms of this Part.
Application for and issue of CPL(A)
61.05.2   (1)  An application for a CPL(A) must be made to the Director on the prescribed form and must be accompanied by—
a valid medical certificate, issued in terms of Part 67;
documentary evidence of compliance as stipulated in regulation 61.05.1 (1) (d);
certified true copies of documents proving that an applicant has passed the theoretical knowledge examination referred to in regulation 61.05.1 (1) (f) and 61.01.10;
an applicant’s flying logbook summarised in the format as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
a skills test report as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
two recent passport-size photographs of an applicant, unless such applicant is a holder of another pilot licence issued in terms of Part 61;
the appropriate fee as prescribed in Part 187; and
in the case of a student undergoing an ATPL(A) integrated training course, a course completion certificate in accordance with regulation 61.01.5 (11) (c).
(3)  The Director must issue a CPL(A), if he or she is satisfied that an applicant complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 61.05.1.
(4)  A CPL(A) must be issued in the appropriate format, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61.
(5)  A holder of a CPL(A) must, upon receipt of such licence, immediately affix his or her signature thereon in ink in the space provided for such purpose.
Theoretical knowledge examination for a CPL(A)
61.05.3   The applicant must undergo the skills test referred to in regulation 61.05.1 within 36 months from the date of gaining a pass from all the required examination papers referred to in regulation 61.05.1.
Skills test for a CPL(A)
61.05.4   (1)  An applicant must undergo the skills test for a CPL(A), referred to in paragraph (g) of subregulation 61.05.1 (1), within 30 days of the last period of dual instruction.
(2)  An applicant must have demonstrated to a DFE I or II the ability to perform as PIC of an aeroplane, the procedures and manoeuvres as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61, with a degree of competence appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a CPL(A).
(3)  . . . . . .
(4)  The holder of a CPL(A) who has not flown a minimum of 3 hours as either PIC or PICUS or six hours as co-pilot in the 6 months preceding a revalidation check, shall undergo sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the revalidation check of a CPL(A), and meet the recency requirements to act as PIC.
Privileges and limitations of a CPL(A)
61.05.5   (1)  The holder of a CPL(A) may not exercise the privileges of that licence unless he or she—
is in possession of a valid medical certificate, issued to him or her in terms of Part 67;
has submitted a copy of the medical certificate to the licensing authority, as required in subregulation 61.01.6 (6) in the event that the aviation medical examiner is unable to submit electronic data to the Director; and
complies with the Maintenance of Competency requirements.
(2)  The holder of a valid CPL(A) may, in VMC, act as PIC or co-pilot in any aeroplane for which he or she holds the appropriate valid class rating or type rating.
(3)  To provide for special VFR, the holder of a CPL(A) may fly in IMC, in sight of the surface and clear of cloud, fog or mist within a control zone, after being authorised to do so by the responsible air traffic services controller.
(4)  If the holder of a CPL(A) has the appropriate valid rating, he or she may furthermore exercise the privileges of the licence for any of the special purposes referred to in regulation 61.05.8.
(5)  The holder of a CPL(A) may exercise the following privileges in any aeroplane for which he or she holds the appropriate class or type rating, endorsed in the crew member’s logbook or licence—
exercise all the privileges of a PPL(A);
in operations other than the carrying of passengers or freight for reward, act as PIC in any aeroplane;
act as PIC in commercial air transport operations in any aeroplane certified for single-pilot operation;
act as co-pilot in commercial air transport operations in any aeroplane required by certification to be operated with a minimum of 2 pilots;
act as safety pilot; and
exercise all the privileges referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) by night.
Period of validity of a CPL(A)
61.05.6   A CPL(A) issued is valid for a period of 10 years provided that—
currency fees are paid in terms of regulation 61.01.16;
competency is maintained in terms of regulation 61.05.7;
annually, together with the fee referred to in paragraph (a), the completed application form as prescribed in regulation 61.05.2 (2) is submitted including certified copies of the last 3 pages of the logbook containing entries indicating a record of flight times, an annual summary indicating flight time per category, class, type and total time, as well as certified copies of any endorsements entered into the logbook in the preceding 12 months.
Maintenance of competency for CPL(A)
61.05.7   (1)  In order to maintain a competency, a holder of a CPL(A) shall undergo a revalidation check within 12 months from the date of initial issue of a CPL(A) and thereafter not later than 24 months calculated from the beginning of a month following a date of each revalidation of such competency.
(2)  A holder of a CPL(A) whose competency has lapsed by not more than 36 months, shall, for the purposes of regaining such competency, be required to—
undergo a ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the competency check of CPL(A);
meet the recency requirements to act as PIC; and
pass a competency check in the same category of aircraft.
(3)  A holder of a CPL(A) whose competency has lapsed by a period exceeding 36 months, shall, for the purposes of regaining such competency, be required to—
rewrite Air Law examination;
undergo ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for initial skills test for a CPL(A) and meet the recency requirements to act as PIC; and
pass an initial CPL(A) skills test in the same category of aircraft.
(4)  A holder of a CPL(A) who has not flown a minimum of 3 hours as PIC, PICUS or 6 hours as co-pilot in a period of 6 months preceding competency check, shall undergo ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the competency check of a CPL(A) and meet the recency requirements to act as PIC.
(5)  A competency check required in terms of this Part must be undertaken in an aeroplane or an FSD approved for such purpose.
Ratings for special purposes for a CPL(A)
61.05.8   (1)  The ratings for special purposes associated with a CPL(A) are—
instrument rating;
flight instructor rating (aeroplane);
test pilot rating;
tug pilot rating;
agricultural pilot rating;
aerobatics rating; and
tow rating.
(2)  An application for any rating referred to in subregulation (1) must be made in accordance with the regulations contained in Subparts 11121319202125 and 27, as the case may be.
Recency requirements for a CPL(A)
61.05.9   (1)  The holder of a CPL(A) shall comply with the recency requirements of regulation 91.02.4.
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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