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ATPL Aeroplane Issue

Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) Issue:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)
Requirements for an ATPL (A)
(1)  An applicant for an ATPL(A) must—
(a) be not less than 21 years of age;
(b) hold a valid Class 1 medical certificate, issued in terms of Part 67;
(c) produce evidence of holding or having held, within the previous 60 months, an Instrument Rating and one of the following—
(i) a South African Private or CPL(A); or
(ii) a pilot licence (aeroplane) issued by a Contracting State; or
(iii) a SPL where the applicant has completed an integrated training course approved by the Authority; and
(d) . . . . . .;
(e) have successfully completed the training as prescribed in Document 61 at an approved Part 141 ATO
(f) have passed the theoretical knowledge examination as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
(g) have passed the skills test referred to in regulation 61.07.4.
(2)  An applicant for an ATPL(A) must have completed, in aeroplanes, not less than 1 500 hours of flight time of which—
(a) 500 hours must be PICUS; or
(b) 250 hours must be as PIC, of which up to 150 hours may be PICUS; and
(c) 200 hours must be cross-country flight time, of which 100 hours may be as co-pilot or PICUS;
(d) 75 hours must be instrument time, of which not more than 30 hours may be acquired in an FSTD approved for the purpose; and
(e) 100 hours shall be night flight time as PIC or as co-pilot.
(4)  The 1 500 hours flying experience referred to in sub-regulation (2) may comprise flight time in any of the following capacities—
(a) as PIC, counted in full;
(b) as pilot under instruction (dual), counted in full;
(c) as co-pilot performing under the supervision of the PIC the functions and duties of the PIC, counted in full up to a maximum of 500 hours, provided both pilots have completed multi-crew co-operation training;
(d) as an appropriately rated co-pilot, counted in full;
(e) as student pilot-in-command and as student PICUS up to a maximum of 50 hours towards the PIC time required for the issue of an ATPL(A), counted in full, provided that the Part 141 ATO has been authorised by the Director to allow the logging of student PICUS flight time;
(f) a maximum of 100 hours may have been completed in an FSTD of which a maximum of 25 hours may have been completed in a flight procedures trainer 1 (FNPT 1), or, where the training is provided in an integrated training course, 40 hours in an FNPT II, which may include 10 hours in an FNPT 1;
(g) up to 50 per cent of the 1 500 hours and each of the requirements specified in subregulation (2) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) above may be completed in helicopters;
(h) a maximum of 30 hours flight time in touring motor gliders, gliders, microlight aircraft (excluding a weight-shift microlight aeroplane, or an aeroplane with a maximum take-off mass of less than 450 kg), may be counted towards the 1 500 hours experience requirement.
(Editorial Note: Numbering as per original Government Gazette.)
(5)  A South African Air Force pilot flight instructor or navigator instructor may apply for exemption for some or all of these requirements as indicated in regulation 61.01.9 (23).
Application for and issue of an ATPL(A)
(1)  An application for an ATPL(A) must be made to the Director on the appropriate prescribed form within 30 days of the practical skills test.
(2)  The application referred to in subregulations (1) must be accompanied by—
(a) a valid Class 1 medical certificate, issued in terms of Part 67;
(b) documentary evidence of compliance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of regulation 61.07.1 (1);
(c) the original documentation or certified copies of the documents proving that the applicant has passed the theoretical knowledge examination referred to in paragraph (f) of regulation 61.07.1 (1) and regulation 61.01.10;
(d) the applicant’s flying logbook summarised in the format as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
(e) the skills test report as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
(f) two recent passport-size photographs of the applicant, unless such applicant is the holder of another pilot licence issued in terms of Part 61; and
(g) the appropriate fee as prescribed in Part 187.
(3)  The Director must issue an ATPL(A), if he or she is satisfied that the applicant complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 61.07.1.
(4)  An ATPL(A) must be issued in the appropriate prescribed form, as by the Director.
(5)  The holder of an ATPL(A) must, upon receipt of the ATPL(A), immediately affix his or her signature thereon in ink in the space provided for such purpose.
Period of validity of an ATPL(A)
An ATPL(A) issued is valid for a period of 10 years provided that—
(a) currency fees are paid in terms of regulation 61.01.16;
(b) competency is maintained in terms of regulation 61.07.7;
(c) annually, with the fee referred to in paragraph (a), the completed application form, as prescribed in subregulation 61.07.2 (2), is submitted including certified copies of the last 3 pages of the logbook containing entries indicating a record of flight times, an annual summary indicating flight time per category, class, type and total time, as well as certified copies of any endorsements entered into the logbook in the preceding 12 months.
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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