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Pilot Licence Add-on Tug Pilot Rating

Pilot Licence Tug Pilot Rating:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Pilot Licence Tug Pilot Rating
Requirements for a tug pilot rating
(1)  An applicant for a tug pilot rating must—
(a) hold at least a valid PPL(A) with a minimum of 60 hours as PIC of aeroplanes;
(b) hold the appropriate endorsement for an aircraft within a class rating or type rating for the aeroplane;
(c) have acquired suitable experience that includes completion of at least 10 tug operations (that includes towing different weight class gliders, exposure to glider pilot aerotow training manoeuvres, aerotow upset training and aerotow emergencies) under the supervision of an appropriately rated Grade I or Grade II flight instructor, or by the holder of a tug pilot rating designated for such purpose in writing by the Director; and
(d) have demonstrated to an appropriately rated Grade I or Grade II flight instructor or the holder of a tug pilot rating designated for such purpose in writing by the Director, the proficiency to act as PIC of a tug aeroplane whilst having a glider in tow.
(2)  A person who conducted a proficiency check shall endorse a pilot logbook of an applicant accordingly.
(3)  An applicant must submit an appropriate application form accompanied by a copy of an endorsed logbook page referred to in subregulation (2).
Privileges of a tug pilot rating
61.20.2   The holder of a tug pilot rating may act as PIC of an aeroplane during tug operations.
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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