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Pilot Licence Add-on Aerobatics Rating

Pilot Licence Aerobatics Rating:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Pilot Licence Aerobatics Rating
Requirements for an aerobatics rating (Graduate)
(1)  An applicant for an aerobatics rating (Graduate) must—
(a) hold at least a valid PPL(A);
(b) be a member of an organisation, approved or designated by the Director as an aerobatics sport controlling body, as listed in Document SA-CATS 61;
(c) have completed the aerobatics training course prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61;
(d) hold the appropriate type rating for the aeroplane; and
(e) have passed the skills test demonstrating to an aerobatics examiner, as appointed by an approved or designated aerobatics sport controlling body and ratified by the Director, that he or she can fly a linked sequence of spin, loop, stall turn and roll in a safe and controlled manner.
(2)  The skills test referred to in subregulation (1) must have been passed within 30 days immediately preceding the date of application.
Application for an aerobatics rating (Graduate)
(1)  An application for an aerobatics rating (Graduate) must be made to the issuing authority in the appropriate prescribed form.
(2)  The application must be accompanied by the skills test report as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61 and the prescribed fee, which shall be not more than the fee prescribed in Part 187, if set by an issuing authority other than the Director.
(3)  If the applicant complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 61.27.1, the issuing authority must issue an aerobatics rating (Graduate) in the appropriate format as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61.
(4)  An aerobatics rating shall be valid for the period of one year from the date of issue, provided the pilot licence of the holder is valid.
(5)  The procedure for the revalidation of an aerobatics rating shall be in accordance with Document SA-CATS 61.
(6)  An aerobatics rating, which has not been revalidated in time, may be reissued after its holder has applied for, and meets the conditions for its initial issue, as prescribed in this Subpart.
Classes of aerobatics ratings
(1)  The holder of an aerobatics rating (Graduate) may apply for any of the following classes of aerobatics ratings—
(a) sportsman;
(b) intermediate
(c) advanced; and
(d) unlimited.
(2)  An aerobatics rating in any of the classes, referred to in subregulation (1), must be issued if the candidate has complied with the appropriate requirements as set out in Document SA-CATS 61.
(3)  The provisions of regulations 61.27.1 and 61.27.2 shall apply with the necessary changes to the application for, and the issue of, the ratings referred to in subregulation (1).
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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