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Pilot Licence Add-on Instrument Rating

Pilot Licence Instrument Rating:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Pilot Licence Instrument Rating
(1)  Except when receiving flight training, undergoing a skills test or in special VFR operation, no person shall act as pilot of an aircraft in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR) or in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) unless that person has a valid instrument rating (IR) appropriate to the aircraft being flown.
(2)  An IR may be endorsed with the following—
(a) single-engine aeroplanes (SEA);
(b) multi-engine aeroplanes (MEA);
(c) single- and multi-engine helicopters (H);
(d) multi-pilot (MP);
(e) RNP APCH (LNAV); or
Requirements for an IR
(1)    An applicant for an IR shall—
(a) hold a valid pilot licence issued in terms of this Part;
(b hold a night rating;
(c) hold a valid medical certificate issued in terms of Part 67;
(d) hold a general radio certificate;
(e) have successfully completed the appropriate training as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61 at an approved Part 141 ATO;
(f) have passed the IR theoretical knowledge examination referred to in this subpart; and
(g) have passed the skills test referred to in this subpart.
(2)  An applicant for an IR must have completed at least 50 hours cross-country flight time as PIC of an aeroplane, helicopter or powered-lift aircraft, of which at least 10 hours must have been in the category of aircraft for which the IR is sought.
(3)  The applicant must have received a minimum of 40 hours instrument flight training of which a maximum of either 20 hours or 30 hours may be in an FSTD approved for the purpose.
(4)  The maximum FSTD hour credit referred to in sub-regulation (3) depends on the FSTD approval.
An applicant for an IR shall—(5)">
(5)  A minimum of 5 hours instrument flight training must be undertaken in the aircraft category for which the IR is sought.
(6)  In the case of an IR (MEA), at least five hours of instrument flight training shall be conducted in a multi-engine aeroplane and shall be additional to the training requirement for the multi-engine class or type rating. Three of the five hours may be in an FSTD approved for the purpose.
(7)  In the case of an application for an IR in a category of aircraft other than that for which a valid IR is already held, the applicant must have undergone at least five hours of instrument flight instruction in the new category of aircraft prior to the skills test. Three of the five hours may be in an FSTD approved for the purpose in the new category.
(8)  FSTD hours in excess of the maximum FSTD hours stipulated in sub-regulation (3) above will not be credited towards the initial issue of an IR but may be credited for other purposes in terms of these Regulations.
Privileges and limitations of an IR
  (1)  The holder of a valid IR may exercise the privileges of his or her licence under IFR, in accordance with the IR endorsement(s) or restriction(s).
(2)  The holder of an IR who wishes to conduct RNAV (GNSS) approaches must have his or her IR endorsed with RNP APCH (LNAV) or RNP APCH (LNAV/VNAV), as applicable, after having complied with the requirements prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61.
Period of validity of an IR
  An IR is valid for a period of 12 months calculated from—
the date of issue or reissue; or
the last day of the month following the date of—
expiry of the rating if such rating is revalidated within 90 days immediately prior to the date of expiry; or
revalidation of such rating if revalidated prior to the period referred to in sub-paragraph (i).
Revalidation of an IR
  (1)  If the period of validity of an IR has not yet lapsed, or has lapsed for a period of 36 months or less, the applicant must pass a revalidation check with a DFE, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61.
(2)  If the period of validity of the IR has lapsed for more than 36 months the applicant must—
re-write the IR theoretical knowledge examination;
undergo sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the skills test of an IR; and
pass the skills test as stipulated in regulation 61.11.4.
(3)  Where the IR is endorsed with SEA and MEA, every alternate revalidation of this rating may be carried out in a single engine aeroplane or in an FSTD approved for the purpose.
(4)  The revalidation check for an IR revalidates the maintenance of competency of a licence endorsed with an IR for a period of 12 months, provided that the aircraft or FSTD meets the requirements for the maintenance of competency of that licence.
(5)  Where a pilot holds an instrument rating in the helicopter and aeroplane categories, the revalidation check shall be carried out in each category at least once in every 24 months.
(6)  The pilot proficiency check (PPC) conducted by a South African Part 121 operator may revalidate the IR and the maintenance of competency of a CPL or ATPL, provided that the check is conducted by a DFE and that the following documentation is submitted to the Director within 30 days of successful completion of the proficiency check—
a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the proficiency check;
a copy of the PPC report; and
the applicable application form duly completed and signed by the DFE and the applicant.
(7)  The PPC or type rating skills test conducted by a foreign training organisation approved by the appropriate authority of a Contracting State may, upon prior approval by the Director, revalidate the IR and the maintenance of competency of a licence, provided that the check or test is conducted by an appropriately qualified examiner and upon submission of the following documents to the Director:
a copy of the approval certificate issued to the training organisation by the foreign authority;
a copy of the authorisation issued by the foreign licensing authority to the foreign examiner;
a copy of the flight simulator qualification certificate, if applicable.
(8)  The IR and maintenance of competency shall be revalidated, provided the applicant has successfully passed a ground evaluation conducted by a DFE and the following documentation is submitted to the Director within 30 days of the ground evaluation—
appropriate application form duly completed and signed by the DFE and the applicant;
a copy of the check or test report from the foreign training organisation;
a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the revalidation or proficiency check;
a copy of the approval referred to in sub-regulation (7).
(9)  No requests for acceptance of tests or checks conducted by a foreign examiner will be considered where prior approval was not granted.
(10)  The holder of a valid South African CPL or ATPL who is a full time employee of a foreign operator may apply for the revalidation of his or her IR and maintenance of competency provided that—
he or she is the holder of a valid CPL, ATPL or validation issued by the appropriate authority of the foreign State;
the foreign operator is operating under the appropriate authority of a Contracting State;
the following documents are received by the Director within 30 days of the successful completion of the foreign revalidation or proficiency check—
a copy of the valid foreign licence or validation;
a copy of a valid Class 1 or Class 2 South African or foreign medical certificate, as applicable;
a written confirmation of full time employment signed by the foreign operator or the employment agency, as the case may be;
a copy of the revalidation or proficiency check report stamped and signed by the foreign examiner;
a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the revalidation or proficiency check;
the applicable application form duly completed and signed by the applicant.
the licence will be endorsed with a restriction indicating that the holder may not exercise the privileges of the licence on a South African registered aircraft. For the restriction to be removed, the licence holder shall have successfully passed the appropriate ground evaluation conducted by a DFE.
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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