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Pilot Licence Add-on Tow Rating

Pilot Licence Tow Rating:

Ref: Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
> Part 61: Pilot Licensing
(See Guidelines for detail on how to access these regulations via the CAA website link to LexisNexis)
Pilot Licence Tow Rating
Requirements for a Tow Rating (Aeroplane)
An applicant for a tow rating must—
(a) hold at least a valid PPL(A);
(b) hold the appropriate endorsement for an aircraft within a class rating or type rating for the aeroplane;
(c) have acquired suitable experience that includes at least completion of 10 tow operations under the supervision of an appropriately rated Grade I or Grade II flight instructor, or by the holder of a tow rating designated for such purpose in writing by the Director; and
(d) have demonstrated to an appropriately rated Grade I or Grade II flight instructor or the holder of a tow rating designated for such purpose in writing by the Director, the ability to act as PIC of an aeroplane while having a banner in tow.
(2) The Grade 1 or Grade II flight instructor who oversees the skills test must endorse the pilot’s logbook and submit notification of the endorsement to the Director in the appropriate prescribed form.
(Editorial Note: Wording as per original Government Gazette.)
The SA CAA has appealed to all licence applicants to ensure that they take note of the requirements when applying for a licence: Please note that the basic requirements for licensing applications are detailed above. For more information, refer to the SA CAA Regulations, on the SACAA Website.
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