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How do you set up a Google My Business listing?

Setting up your Google My Business (GMB) listing is like opening a new door to customers. Let’s walk through it:
  1. Log In with Purpose:
    1. First, sign in to your Google account.
    2. Tip: Use a dedicated work account, not your personal one. No one needs to see those quirky Reddit notifications.
  2. Business Basics:
    1. Google asks for your business name. Type it in and hit “Continue.”
  3. Business Type Matters:
    1. Choose your business type:
      1. Online Sales: If you sell directly online.
      2. Physical Location: If you have a brick-and-mortar store.
    2. In-Person Services: If you offer services face-to-face.
    3. Click “Next” when you’re set.
  4. Location, Location, Location:
    1. For online-only businesses, share your website.
    2. For physical locations, enter your country (where you’re registered).
    3. If you have a physical address, add it (you can include your website later).
    4. If you don’t have a physical spot but offer services, list your service areas.
    5. Click “Next.”
  5. Contact Details:
    1. Add your website, phone number, or both.
    2. These details show up on your profile for all to see.
  6. Verify Your Existence:
    1. Even without a physical location, you’ll need a mailing address for verification.
    2. Now, choose your verification method:
      1. Email Code: Simple and straightforward.
      2. Video Proof: Record yourself in action (because why not?).
    3. I recommend the email code—less dramatic, more efficient.
    4. The Email Code Dance:
      1. Wait for that magical email.
      2. Enter the code like a pro.
      3. Click “Verify.”
    5. Why Verification Matters:
      1. It’s your golden ticket to:
      2. Publicly reply to customer reviews.
      3. Use messaging features.
      4. And more!
  7. Optimize Like a Boss:
    1. Your GBP is almost ready for its red carpet moment.
    2. Add the extras:
      1. Business Hours: Let 'em know when you’re open.
      2. Chat Feature: Users can ping you directly from Google search.
      3. Business Description: Tell your story.
      4. Photos: Show off your best angles.
Remember, your GBP is your digital handshake—make it unforgettable! 


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