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Your strategy for local and global visibility is well-founded. Please break it down further


Your strategy for local and global visibility is well-founded. Please break it down further and refine the components.

I hope the following assists:
  1. Primary Category, Sub-Categories, and Keywords:
    • Primary Category:
      • Represents the overarching theme of your business.
      • For local visibility, it aligns with your core offerings.
      • Global reach reflects your broader industry.
    • Sub-Categories:
      • Provide specificity and relevance.
      • Tailor them to local needs (e.g., neighbourhood-specific services).
      • For global impact, consider broader sub-categories.
    • Keywords:
      • Define the terms you want to be found for.
      • Local keywords include city names, neighbourhoods, and local phrases.
      • Global keywords encompass industry-specific terms.
  2. Role of Each Component:
    • Primary Category:
      • Sets the context for your business.
      • Helps users quickly understand your core offerings.
    • Sub-Categories:
      • Enhance relevance:
        • Local: Customers find exactly what they need.
        • Global: Industry-specific focus.
      • Improve SEO:
        • Each sub-category becomes a potential landing page.
    • Keywords:
      • Drive search visibility:
        • Local: Optimize for local search terms.
        • Global: Target broader industry keywords.
  3. Documentation for Clarity and Engagement:
    • Website Content:
      • Create separate pages for each sub-category.
      • Clearly define your primary category.
    • Google Business Profile:
      • Accurate details, including images and reviews.
      • Regular updates for special events or offers.
    • Social Media:
      • Consistent messaging across platforms.
      • Highlight local events and community involvement.
Remember, clarity in communication and alignment with your business vision are key. Document your strategy clearly to engage both local and global audiences effectively! 
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