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    Meetings Communicator

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    Communication: Are COMMUNICATOR APPS a whole new way of communicating?

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    So much has changed in the world of communication but take a closer look, you'll find the same foundations! The fundamentals to finding solutions are not new. They lie in the user experience. Affordability and user friendliness are the cherries to needs. The tough questions are in the arena of undiscovered needs, but the need for information has been universal for ever!
    Our COMMUNICATORS deliver meeting packs the instant that they are loaded. You need not even lick a stamp. As an interesting aside, have you recently tried to buy stamps by the thousand? It took weeks, and in the end, they had to be ordered and printed. The same content of a couple of hundred pages took less time than it took to lick and envelope than it did to load to a COMMUNICATOR and a moment to deliver! None were lost, password protection is more reliable than registered mail. Certainly, it is economical, effective and efficient which in everyday speak is cheaper, better, faster!
    If you have had dreams of work from an "anywhere" businesses and are prepared to commit to building an impressive communicator then, please do contact me to say hi!
    Our MEETINGS COMMUNICATOR is a product in our suite of information COMMUNICATORS. If an information COMMUNICATOR is good, it will go viral. By trial and error, we know that you have to give to get a good elist and when you have one it will go viral. When it does suppliers will seek to upgrade to build relationships, and the MEETINGS COMMUNICATOR will help them respond. I'll expand on this idea but first, let's explore the corporate ladder.
    Exploring the corporate ladder is an interesting adventure. Up and down the ladder the views and perspectives at differing altitudes will amaze and at times amuse. Miscommunication is generally the order of the day. While miscommunication may be exciting, enjoyable or entertaining, it needs fixing. With a Meetings Communicator dedicated to the sharing of alerts, links and lists there will be no need to buy snake oil nor water the grape vine. All will be fed directly from the proverbial horse's mouth to the phone in the pocket of all staff. Communication will no longer take time to trickle down the ladder.  Not only will it get everyone on the same page but it will build inclusiveness and teamwork. Feedback COMMUNICATORS too have a role to play in flattening the altitude divide, and they open the way to self-direction and creativity. Build another COMMUNICATOR for your customers and share insights on new ranges.
    The MEETINGS COMMUNICATOR is much more than a Board Meeting Pack. It enables an infectious culture; the idea that a mixed bag of feedback from customers, suppliers, staff and managers (stakeholders) will allow enlightened leadership! The COMMUNICATOR gives you the tools to collaborate with many. Think of the impact on customer relationships that a monthly feedback Q&A video conference would have on customer relationships never mind loyalty. Not only can COMMUNICATORS help to achieve consensus on organisational objectives but they can also reverse the information flow to provide progress reports on leading performance indicators.
    Workshops, seminars, cocktail parties and meetings to engage with stakeholders to listen, learn and inform are expensive and time-consuming. The cost benefit thereof has justified the process for generations, don't knock it. What if you could do the same thing at a fraction of the cost, in less time and better! That's the challenge to your creativity in building a suite of COMMUNICATORS.
    I'll close this blog post with a thought. To succeed all you need to do is collaborate as a community and think big for your future.
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