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    Content Presentation: Social Media Albums (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Feeds)

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    Social Media Albums
    Associating pictures with photography and the need for a fancy camera is the flip side of using pictures to tell a story. Your mobile phone is perfect for taking photos that can feed conversations and build relationships.

    Phones are designed to communicate.
    Phones are enhanced by constantly improving cameras and video cameras. This too is logical as phones host conversations and pictures and video tell a story.
    Social Media Albums
    Images on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can be presented as an option on Blog pages like this, on Linked Webpages and on meeting room pages.
    The images must be placed by the page / account holder and Facebook groups are excluded.
    A manager could button bookmark a Linked Webpage on a phone and staff could load pictures from their phones to eg Private Twitter or Instagram Direct pages which would instantly be available to the Manager for review. Where the option is added to a meeting room, linked webpage or blog page the images would be instantly available on these pages. Reps could add market reviews.
    Factory Managers could show video clips of machinery malfunctioning, etc.

    Our webpages also telll a story and can be used in conversations.
    You can e-mail or text an independent linked page URL to friends or business connections that has images taken with your phone of your services or products. these images could, for example, be on standard webpages on a rotator, alternator or slide show. each image can be hyperlinked to content pages in the same way that the index in a book does. the difference being that the presentation of your content to the recipient of your e-mail has been moved up a few notches.

    The concept allows you to communicate with images and to link images to content.

    It is what we call One Click Communication.
    On the set-up pages for blogs, linked webpages and on the meeting room setup page provide the user names required and the system will do the rest.

    You can have up to 50 people in a Private Twitter group.

    Instagram Direct permits up to 15 people in the group.

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    Video Clips
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