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Coffee Shops


MUGS TO GO with QR Links
Coffee Shops
The MUGS and other promotional items featured here are available off-the-shelf, as is. 

About Mugs with QR Code Links
Taking a photo with a Smart Phone will scan the QR code, and link to the Read More page/s or to the linked video. 


We will host your content, up to 15 images or pages THAT YOU SUPPLY, on our servers, for one year.
For orders above 20 MUGS or orders where we are requested to research content link options, we will quote, based upon requirements, as we will for content creation and hosting in excess of the introductory offer detailed above.
After customisation, your mug/s will be listed in this store for purchase and delivery.

You can request us to:
Add a text message in one or more panels
  • your Logo, Call to Action; Web Address URL, Telephone Number, etc.
    - Add QR codes that link to information; eBooks, Picture Galleries. Videos and more.
  • Host online and make, by arrangement, ebooks for you with QR code links to pages supplied by you (You can send your page/s in MS Word, MS - Powerpoint, etc or as PDF, JPG or PNG files, and we will place a page link on the item purchased by you.)
  • Link to your content on your website/s, and we will add a QR Code link on the item purchased.
You can link to:
  • Photos of your children with a QR code linking to a message such as a surprise treat that you announce on the QR code's destination webpage.
  • Pictures that link to a company's online, multi-page, flip book Newsletter.
    Competitions, Newsletters, Videos, Picture Galleries, online Meeting/Board Meeting packs, Blogs, Agile surveys, and more.
  • Online content, such as in-house training, meeting documentation, etc can be hosted online on password-gated sites.
  • Coupon campaigns, Loyalty points programmes, Referral campaigns and more.
  • Videos on Youtube and on other platforms, plus we link to videos privately hosted on our servers.

We sell the products featured in this store, but in addition, we specialise in providing online content management systems. 


Note that this product has a minimum order quantity of one with up to 1 QR code link to an online destination that can be up to a 15-page eBook or up to an online photo gallery with up to 15 images or video links.

Our target is to complete custom orders within 3 days of final content acceptance, and then you will be able to take a picture of the QR code with a SMART phone and link to your content on your site or on ours.

In summary, at Mugs and Info, we are digital marketing strategists that have built the most comprehensive directory and site builder in the world.

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