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Webo Site Builder

 Note: No notes for this product
 Product Number: About eBusiness & Ecommerce Site Building

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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  • Many purchase multiple programs/apps and spend time managing them. It is not unusual to find business owners who use 10+ software services to run their online businesses. The result is a complicated (and expensive) mess that wastes time and decreases your effectiveness.
  • Technical skills, information overload & complex implementation requirements are the "old way." Complex software implementation and customisation require specialist assistance which means that you do not drive engagement with your customers.
  • Specialist software working in silos makes it difficult to connect. Social media and the death of dictation has made engagement more spontaneous and simple to connect, look and chat.  If your online business is duct-taped together with multiple software packages, consider the advantages of the most comprehensive directory and site builder in the world.

  • Agile Quizzes: Next question is based on the answer to the last question. Auto quiz result sharing and result spreadsheet export. 
  • Blogs: Viral Blogs, Appoint Guest Bloggers, Monetise with side panel adverts, Internal password Protected Blogs or Blog Topics for , e.g., Staff Onboarding Q&A's,  Fully managed Followers who can subscribe per blog topic.
  • Communicators: Link & List, WhatsGood, Deal & Coupon Communicators are phone friendly bookmarklet app sites that update automatically without update downloads.
  • Directory: Search category and Keyword administration.
  • Downloads: Fully managed and tracked video file / PDF downloads. 
  • eBooks: Landscape & Portrait. Single & Double Page plus view at 100% to 150% on site pages or on independent landing pages.
  • eCommerce Stores for physical and digital products, fixed price sales, classified no price showcases, managed product auctions.  Variation management (e.g., size & colour), Coupon & Deal Management, Fully Integrated Loyalty Points administration and more...
  • Form Creation and Management.
  • Image and Video Galleries in thumbnail and slide show format with an optional  webpage per image to host group pictures, video and more.
  • Image Rotators & Alternators : Image rotators from rotating image boxes to multi image mirrorballs with image links to URL destinations.
  • Landing Pages: Page Favicons, Optional Webite / Store integration, Marquees, Partner Links, Optional Independent Pages, Optional Password Protected Pages, Search Page Tags/Keywords with Page Pin. 
  • Link & List Phone Friendly Content Communicators eg On Phone Premeeting document Packs
  • Loyalty Marketing; Points allocation and redemption. Reward management. Every customer gets an online loyalty account.
  • Online Meeting Rooms with links to prereading, presentations, text and image voting. Live meeting back-office minute taking (multi language) and presentation on meeting walls. Comment capture & more.
  • Online Slide Shows: With image links to URL destinations.
  • Real Estate Portfolio Sites
  • Resources; e.g., gif image creation, image resiging, mouseover image alternators, 
  • Signup Form Creation and Management.
  • Specialist Deal and Coupon communicators to attract customers, retain customers who buy more and more often and customers who grow your business because it is easy and rewarding. 
  • Staff profile portfolio for many staff members.
  • Websites: with advanced features e.g. pages can be set up to be scroll boxes that scroll in full 2D fashion - vertical and horizontal scroll over large plans, maps etc.
  • WhatsGood Content Communicators eg say a 7,000 staff contact list.
  • Work From Home Desktops,  with multiple workspaces to organise tasks, plugins, chat and private chat, template options plus create own page templates.

Are you frustrated with trying to get found on the internet?
There are well over a billion websites on the internet and you can search for a category or for a keyword and you will get thousands,
if not hundreds of thousands of search results.

Need Help or Just Started Online?

We are Here For You

The Webo Academy is Dedicated to Customer Support & FREE Training

Our growth strategy & all-in-one integrated marketing communicators

Your Customers will GROW YOUR BUSINESS because it is easy and rewarding - Let us show you how

More Engagement
More Leads
More Engaging Follow-ups
More Sales & Growth
Happy Customers 
Automated customer engagement at scale
  • Attract & Engage More Visitors
  • Set your online business up for success by engaging your visitors with relevant deals and loyalty offers.
  • Engage with customers on our viral blogs
  • Survey customers with our Agile Quiz. The next question is selected depending on the answer to the last question. When you know exactly what they want; give it to them.
  • Segment customers with a loyalty programme and give every customer their own online loyalty account

Made With Passion:  You Drive & We Will Navigate You To Success

For Business Owners Like Yourself







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