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About Upholstery Legend

We were founded over a decade ago with a passion for quality upholstery. Since then, we have grown through customer referrals into the nationwide, upholstery service that they are today.
With enthusiasm, knowledge, and experience our team consistently delights with their upholstery work. 
We take genuine joy in restoring special items of furniture to their former glory.
Our client base is as many and varied as the pieces we’ve worked with - from individuals with family heirlooms to businesses kitting out whole offices in company colours.
Whatever your upholstery needs, we have the tools, talent, and experience to achieve the best possible results.
To get the ball rolling, please introduce your upholstery project to us by way of completing the form below. Upon receipt, we will study your needs and images and we will contact you to take the production process to the next stage; consensus on requirements, acceptance and commissioning after acceptance of the 50% deposit.


Product Category Code: :
Completion Required By: : Pick a date
Fabric Required: : Yes:   No:  
If Yes, Pattern: : Yes:   No:  
If Yes, Plain Colour: : Yes:   No:  
Padding Replacement: : Yes:   No:  
Woodwork Refurbishment: : Yes:   No:  
Are (Before/After) Images Attached: : Yes:   No:  
Referred By: :
Comments/Requirements: :
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