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AGENTS: Should I gain as much information about the agent as possible before hand?

Should I gain as much information about the agent as possible before hand? 
 Here are 3 important questions that you should always ask:
1) What is the Business Plan?
Goal setting and goal planning is extremely important.  Typically, the first question that you should ask is, “What is our plan, business-wise, for our potential partnership?  How can we mutually help each other to succeed and make money?”  Remember, this is show BUSINESS, and everything always comes down to money!  Pay attention to the way that he or she answers this question.  It has been my experience that the best Agents out there are eager to help, and have great ideas to share with you!  A great Agent will, of course, want to listen to all the ideas that you as the Performer have for your career, and then share their opinion.  I also suggest that you ask the Agent to give you an idea of exactly how they intend to help secure auditions for you.  Be sure that they will “pitch” you, on the phone and through e-mail, to Casting Directors.  An Agent who simply sits at home and clicks “submit” is not going to be nearly as successful as one who pushes to get you in the door.  Being proactive is always best!
2) How Well-Connected Are You to the Industry?
It is imperative to ask the Agent about his or her contacts, especially when it comes to Casting Directors.  It is also very important to look at whom the agency represents.  Does this Agent represent lots of Performers who are currently working?  If so, it’s usually a good sign.  This is not to say that an Agent who may be “new” to the business, or may still be building contacts of their own, couldn’t be a great asset to your career.  But it cannot be denied that if your Agent is not willing to work very hard, or does not have the contacts or the “pull” to get you seen by casting, it will probably be a waste of time for both of you to work together.    
3) Why Are They Interested in You?
It is important to ask an Agent why he/she is interested in working with you.  It is suggested that you should be relaxed in your meeting, and just be you.  You want to show the Agent who you are. Why does this person want to represent you?  Ask your potential Agent about his or her client roster.  Chances are that you won’t be added to an agency roster with someone who looks just like you, but ask anyway.  When two actors, say, look too much alike and are represented by the same Agent, it can sometimes create a conflict with auditions.  You want to be the priority of your Agent’s time, not your long lost twin, even if he or she is a great actor!  Nevertheless, it should be noted that, even if someone does resemble you on the agent’s roster, it’s not necessarily a problem.  You may be totally different as a Performer than another person who resembles you.  Be sure to ask the Agent about it.
These 3 questions can be used as a guide for obtaining information in your agency meeting. However, ask as many questions as you feel necessary.  And most importantly, always trust your instincts!  If you have a good or a bad feeling, go with that feeling. 
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