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Dr Lorna Geer
Date :15th, February 2014

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+27 12 6672417

161 Sonja Street, Doringkloof, Centurion, Gauteng

About US




Dr Lorna Geer, a counseling psychologist and specialist in hypnosis and medical hypnotherapy with more than 16 years of experience and professional standing in both South Africa and Canada.

Dr Geer runs therapy and professional training for psychologists, doctors, dentists and social workers from her practice located in Centurion, Gauteng in a location easily accessible from all major highways.

About dr Lorna Geer

Dr Lorna Geer is a registered counselling psychologist in South Africa and has run a very successful private practice for the past sixteen years. She is also a registered counselling and clinical psychologist in Canada. She holds various university degrees, including two doctorate degrees (PhD and DEd). She completed numerous post-secondary short courses presented in South Africa, the United States of America and Canada.

She has special and advanced interest in incorporating hypnotic techniques into the treatment of advanced illness, treating symptoms and treating clients who are subject to suffering and loss. She has had exceptionally high success rates in areas incorporating selective hypnotic techniques.

She is an enthusiastic person - full of drive and determination! A source of energy, ideas, critical and analytical evaluation and constructive inputs, matched by a proven track record for hard work, dedication and loyalty. Being a warm, sincere person with a well-developed ability to listen, she found that people respond well to her, that she is able to instill trust and confidence and establish rapport with clients and colleagues.

The unique combination of natural sciences (masters degree in chemistry) and human sciences (two doctorate degrees) in her background helped shape her as a person with an excellent ability to analyse and interpret situations and devise unique solutions. She is able to identify the core of a problem, as well as the resources available within the client, and to develop ways of bringing the two together in solutions that are "gift-wrapped" to match individual circumstances, thus unlocking the client's ownership of the therapy.




Hypnosis is actually a state of inner absorption, focused attention and concentration of the mind. In this state one could relax your body and focus on your own inner world of experiencing.  Hypnosis has been compared to using a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun and make them more powerful. Similarly, when your mind is focused and concentrated, you will be able to use your mind more powerfully. Therefore, because hypnosis allows one to use more of your potential, the ultimate act of self-control is to learn self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural ability. A person goes in and out of a hypnotic state when concentrating intently on something, daydreaming, just before falling asleep at night or even just before waking up fully in the morning. As a state of consciousness hypnosis is measurable on an EEG (a machine that measures brain waves). The brain waves activated during meditation are similar to the alpha waves measured during hypnosis.

Hypnosis is used for exploring the subconscious mind to identify which past events or experiences are associated with causing a problem and to better understand the underlying motivations for experiencing problems. Hypnosis makes it possible to avoid the critical censor of the conscious mind. The effectiveness of hypnosis appears to lie in the way in which it bypasses the critical observation and interference of the conscious mind. Therefore it allows a person's intentions for change to take effect.

Hypnosis could be compared to the fine-tuned instrument that, like a surgeon's scalpel, allows a doctor to get beneath the surface to locate the origin of the underlying problems. Hypnosis is not a cure but a TOOL that could be used to uncover the origin of the underlying problems and allows intentions for change to take effect. Like the tools used by a surgeon to remove a diseased tissue or organ, hypnosis is a tool to remove a diseased thought or negative belief system.

What does hypnosis feel like?

It is generally speaking pleasant and relaxed feeling. While in hypnosis you are capable of moving, seeing, hearing and speaking freely while focusing internally. You've spend a whole lifetime in hypnosis without even knowing it. Have you ever lost track of time while watching TV, reading a book, or being absorbed in a favourite activity? This state of trance that you've experienced numerous times before is hypnosis.

What is self-hypnosis?

Self-hypnosis is a practice that could be used to achieve relaxation, stress reduction and improved concentration which you could learn on your own or from a qualified hypnotherapist. Once you are in a relaxed state, you focus on a single specific goal and then use predetermined suggestions to meet that goal.


Hypnotherapy is a very powerful tool to reach the negative emotional connections in the subconscious mind and could therefore work miracles for many clients. Though it is very powerful it is not a wonder cure that works wonders for everyone - no treatment (either medical or psychological) works equally well for all people.

It is important to realise that your mind could affect your body in a very powerful way when looking at medical conditions. When you become anxious - a psychological state - it causes your body to react in a similar way by increasing your heart rate, you tremble, breathing accelerates and becomes more shallow, blood pressure rises, you sweat, etc. When you relax, which is a psychological state, the opposite happens. In a very simple way this illustrates how your mind could affect your body. The implication is that we can utilise this principle in hypnotherapy to assist the body in the process of physical healing. Relaxing therefore facilitates healing. The opposite is true as well: The mind could directly cause some physical diseases. It is extremely important in these cases to discover the negative emotional connections in the subconscious mind and to break these connections. Then the recourses of the subconscious mind need to be utilised to help with the healing.

A wide range of psychological conditions, psychosomatic disorders and even medical conditions could be successfully treated with hypnosis. These are a few:

• Trauma
• Sexual/physical/emotional abuse
• Anxiety and stress management
• Depression
• Panic attacks
• Cyberchondria
• Low self-image, self-esteem and confidence
• Obesity, weight control, eating disorders
• Concentration difficulties, test anxiety and learning disorders
• Memory/concentration improvement
• Self-improvement in study skills
• Fear conditions
• Sleep disorders
• Pain Control
• Smoking cessation
• Sexual problems
• Phobias
• Alcoholism


Address :-161 Sonja Street, Doringkloof, Centurion, Gauteng
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