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About Our Strategic Management Advisory Services

Strategic Management Consulting

The essence of strategic management is aligning an organisation’s limited resources with its environment and ambitions. It involves a process of decision making and implementation of those decisions.
To apply effective strategic management, it is necessary to remain in touch and respond to a turbulent, changing and uncertain environment, make the appropriate choices and determine the principal strategic thrusts so that a sustainable strategic advantage may be created and to mobilise and focus all available resources according to the choices made.
Our ranges of strategic management services cover, among other things, the following areas:
•    Objective assessment of clients’ strategic positioning
•    Assistance in preparation of comprehensive strategic plans
•    Preparation of business plans
•    Creating and finding links between corporate missions and action plans
•    Linking overall strategy to information systems
•    Ranking alternative strategies.
•    Identifying sustainable competitive advantages through generic strategy development
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