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Earnings and Projection Estimates Disclaimer

Earnings and Projection Estimates Disclaimer

Should you not accept each and every provision set out below please do not use any of our websites, website builders, blogs, Apps, other products or services.

Our success depends entirely upon your success and our supporting products, methods and frameworks are offered for your own due diligence and assessment of the:

  1. Inputs
  2. Outputs
  3. Impact and
  4. Outcomes that you can and should assess to be possible or probable.

The information presented in this Website and on any other Webo site or site builder is intended to be for your educational and entertainment purposes only.

Unless expressly stated in a signed contact:

  1. We are not presenting you with a business opportunity.
  2. We are not presenting you with a distributorship.

In all other cases:

  1. We are not making any claims as to income you may earn nor that any projected estimates will be reached.
  2. We are not presenting you with an opportunity to get rich quick or otherwise.
  3. Before embarking on any endeavor, please use caution and seek the advice your own personal professional advisors, such as your attorney and your accountant.
  4. Where income figures are mentioned (if any):
    1. The information figures are as displayed in social media or other online of offline media and we have not conducted audits to substatiate the figures or information presented.
    2. The income figures are anecdotal information passed on to us concerning the results achieved by the individual sharing the information.
    3. We have performed no independent verification of the statements made by those individuals.
    4. Please do not assume that you will make those same income figures.
  5. In respect of earnings or any other projections:
    1. Please do not construe any statement in this website as a claim or representation of average earnings.
    2. There are NO average earnings.
    3. Testimonials and statements of individuals are not to be construed as claims or representations of average earnings.
    4. We cannot, do not, and will not make any claims as to earnings, averages, or otherwise in relation to income or any form of performance estimate.
    5. Our site builders, frameworks, systems and processes, etc. are offered for use and the extent and manner of utilisation will have a material effect on inputs, outputs, impact and outcomes and thus cannot in any way be guaranteed nor predicted with any reliability however users may make such predictions basd on their implimentation analytics.
  6. Your success:
    1. Success in any endeavor is based on many factors individual to you.
    2. We do not know your educational background, your skills, your prior experience, or the time you can and will devote to the endeavor.
    3. Please perform your own due diligence before embarking on any course of action.
    4. Follow the advice of your personal qualified advisors.
  7. Risk:
    1. There are risks in any endeavor that are not suitable for everyone.
    2. If you use capital, only “risk” capital should be used.
    3. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using any of the ideas presented in our in materials.
    4. Examples in our materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.
    5. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s.
    6. No guarantee is made that you will achieve any result at all from the ideas in our material.
  8. Partnership or other income related arrangement.
    1. You agree that we will not share in your success, nor will we be responsible for your failure or for your actions in any endeavor you may undertake.
  9. Please understand that past performance cannot be an indication of possible future results.
  10. USA Legislatiion
    1. Materials used in our product/s and services including our website/s and site builders may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements within the meaning of the USA securities litigation reform act of 1995.
    2. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events.
    3. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts.
    4. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance.
    5. Any and all forward looking statements in our materials are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential.
    6. They are opinions only and should not be relied upon as fact.
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