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About the Loyalty & Referral Marketing Programme (LPM)

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Referral Marketing Acceleration
  • Accelerate your Referral Marketing with the Webo LPM.
  • It’s a decision that will make you Tech Smart.
  • Tech Smart firms have referral-oriented cultures that market online, on App, snapshot success stories.
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Quiz Marketing
  • The Webo LPM unleashes the power of Quiz Marketing as it builds curiosity and awareness by marketing quiz questions that educate with rhetorical questions that market your solutions in a way that protects your intellectual property.
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Keep it Fresh and Crisp
  • With the Webo LPM App, referrals are a tap and a comment away when the solutions that you provide are understood as they are narrowly focussed, crisply stated and memorable because they are featured on your App on their phones.
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Content Marketing Traction
  • Webo LPM’s 4 channel marketing platform with channel fusion gets traction as multi-channel marketing allows you to drive ​Push or Pull campaigns that Engage and Promote Sharing & Reviews.
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Adapt & Customise to Niche Markets
  • The Webo LPM App adapts to sector needs eg retail, professional & hospitality.
  • Retail / Hospitality: Points Systems reward with benefits based on points for purchases
  • Legal / Professional Services: Use the same Points Systems to segment customer audiences
  • Action Systems reward for actions such as sharing comments or writing reviews.
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  • Formally promote your Service Providers eg Bankers, Accountants & Attorneys on your Webo LPM App with Featured Clients, Associations and others.
  • They are likely to reciprocate by referring you to their networks as the principle of giving to get is universally established.
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Page Stacks
  • Stack services on multiple webpages that turn services into products
  • A 10 by 10 stack offers 100 clear and compelling offers that clients can share with comments on the Webo App to those in their network with a two way reward incentive.
It works, ask us how.
Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge management is key to professional services.
  • On phone, private App libraries that can be browsed by category or which can be searched by keyword can enable you to offer answers in seconds that will delight clients.
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POPI Act: Reasonable & Appropriate Security Safeguards are required
  • Encryption: Every site enjoys the highest grade encryption available
  • Firewalls:  Every site enjoys advanced firewall protection
  • Monitoring: Every site enjoys 24/7 malware & blacklist monitoring.
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POPI Act: Data Subject Participation right to access, edit & delete personal information
  • Access: Every client of a Webo client (user) registers for a fully editable private account
  • Purpose: Every user can follow/unfollow topics & opt-in / out of SMS/Email subscriptions
  • Openness:  Information completeness and accuracy is in the hands of each user.
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EU GDPR (European Union General Data Protection Regulation) applicability outside Europe. 
  • Applicability:  The GDPR applies to living persons (data subjects) and not to juristic persons.
  • Applicability: The SA POPI Act applies to both living persons and to juristic entities.
  • Applicability: Applies to offering goods and services from anywhere to persons in the EU
  • This page and website  does not constitute Legal Advice.
  • It serves as a guideline only.
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