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eBusiness & eCommerce Software Benefits

 Note: No notes for this product
 Product Number: Website & Store Bundle

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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The eBusiness and eCommerce Bundle
interfaces Websites, Stores, Blogs, Apps and Social Media with Online Meeting Rooms, Agile Surveys and more. 
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It's about Communication
Our Website Builder enables:
  • Agile Survey creation, tracking and analysis
  • Audio: Album & track pages
  • Auto Responders
  • Blogs: Public or private by category
  • Bulk Content Communicator Apps and more.
  • Download tracking
  • Downloads: Public or private & log
  • Flip Books; Single & Page Spreads, Portrait & Landscape
  • Flipbooks: Public or private brochures
  • Forms: Public or private, logs & mgt.
  • Image and Video Galleries
  • Images: Alternators, automated image presentation shows, boxed image rotators, flash & non-flash galleries, gif generators (animator), resizer, slide shows, URL & e-mail links Link library: Set links to URL’s & e-mail
  • Marquees; Header & Footer
  • Marquees: Ticker tape images & text
  • Online Meeting Rooms
  • Pages: Public or private linked & delinked
  • Partner Links
  • Password locked sites or content
  • Quick Quotes: Build & get one online
  • Scroll box pages for large maps with vertical & horizontal scroll bars for building plans etc
  • SEO: Titles, keywords & descriptions
  • Sign-up forms
  • Slide Presentations
  • Slide shows
  • Social Network Sharing, like counters & up to three on-site twitter feeds
  • Templates: Alternatives or edit one
  • Unlimited pages
  • Video: List & play on or off-site videos
  • Viral Blogs​
Our Specialist Page Communicators include:
  1. Alternating Image Communicator
  2. Form Communicator
  3. Flash Image Communicator
  4. Flip Book Communicator
  5. Full Page Slideshow Communicator
  6. Linked Webpage Communicator
  7. Non-Flash Image Communicator
  8. Multi Panel Page Communicator
  9. Product Page Communicator
  10. Quick Quote Communicator
  11. WhatsGood Contact Communicator​
  12. Link & List Content Communicator
  13. Rotating Image Communicator
  14. Scroll Box Communicator
  15. Signup Webpage Communicator
  16. Agile Quiz Page Communicator
  17. Auto Responder Communicator Pages
It's about eCommerce Trade
Our Shop Builder adds:
  • 21 images per product
  • All buyers get their own private online accounts
  • Any currency (incl own bucks)
  • Bulk Product Spreadsheet Uploader
  • Bulk product uploader
  • Customer / Category segmentation
  • Delivery fee management
  • EFT management per mail managed confirmation orders
  • Fixed Price Sales and Classifieds (No Price showcases)
  • Fully managed auctions
  • Loyalty Points Awarded on sales
  • Mgt of T&C acceptance
  • Multiple Payment Gateways
  • Page display options; Square & Landscape
  • Thumbnails & List view
  • Payment and Delivery Tracking
  • Physical product sales and digital product sales
  • Priced, unpriced and complete on-site auction management
  • Product categories
  • Product list can be set to be downloadable
  • Product variations eg select size & colour on checkout
  • Promo Codes and Redemption Management
  • Scheduled Promotional Pricing / Discount / Seasonal Sales Administration
  • Secure bank managed shopping cart payment.
  • Specials Featured Staff Profile Portals Ticket Sales
The eBusiness and eCommerce Bundle Includes:
  • The Webo Website Builder
  • The Webo Store Builder
  • The Webo Viral Blog Builder
  • The Webo Intelligent Quizpage Builder
  • The Webo eBook / Powerpoint Page Presenter
  • The Webo Image / Video Album Presenters
  • The Webo Link & List (Info) App Builder
  • The Webo WhatsGood App Builder
  • The Webo Online Meeting Rooms Builder
  • The PC or Phone Meeting Pack App Builder
  • The Webo Landing Page Builder
  • The Webo Signup Page Builder
  • Many Content Presentation Aids eg. Rotators, Slide Shows, Gif Builders, Pricing/Quote Calculators, etc.
  • Online Build Support: Online Meeting Rooms, Live Webinar and QA Video Conferencing /Coaching
The Webo Website Builder
The Webo Store Builder
The Webo Blog Builder
The Hard Truth About Website Marketing 
  • In January 2020 some 1.5 billion websites were dormant, leaving only about 200m active sites on the Internet. Today, about thirty to forty per cent of small businesses do not have websites.
The Problem
  • The problem is that with the staggering growth of the Internet, online search infrastructure cannot cope with keyword abuse and other identity theft issues.
  • In the last ten years, 1.5 billion websites were added to the Internet.  
  • Without large advertising spends, the Internet has not met the expectations of small businesses who expected websites to attract new business.  
The Solution
  • There is another way to getting found on the Internet, and that is to maintain a Webo eMarketing campaign to get your customers to grow your business by making it easy and rewarded to engage in online "word of mouth" automation.
The Benefits
Eyeballs to information is the name of the game and, given a rounded website-store-marketing strategy, the benefits of a website and store can be realised to include the following:
  1. You can attract, retain and grow customer lists
    • An attractive and informative online platform will boost your businesses credibility.
    • Making it easy for customers to engage on blogs, write reviews, share and make referrals will expand your reach and grow your business.
  2. You Can Create a Memorable First Impression
    • The elements of surprise include having an Online Presence 24/7 so that your story is available when solicited.
    • While content is King if content is not well presented by being well laid out, inviting, informative and engaging    it will not be read.
  3. You Can Showcase your Business as an authority in your Niche.
    • Well researched blogs, articles, general information and product descriptions will show that you know your subject and that your information is trustworthy.
    • Building trust builds your reputation and Brand Value.
    • Your online showroom can be extensive and it can include ranges that you can acquire to order thereby improving cost-effectiveness.
  4. You Can Increase Awareness by Boosting Your Visibility
    • Visibility boosts awareness and by making it easy to capture reviews for sharing your levels of awareness will grow thereby increasing the chance of higher sales.
  5. You Can Reduce Brochure and other Print Costs, and Improve Brochure Currency and Distribution. 
    • Website brochures can support and promote in-store promotions and they can promote online sales and tell your story effectively in a manner that is easy to share.
    • Online documentation; manuals, brochures, etc can be easily edited and can thus be up to date, which makes them relevant as a source of information.
  6. You can extend your local reach and expand your market size.
    • Having an online presence, and more so, with an online shop, enables trade outside your traditional market place.
    • An online presence will attract more customers and make it easy for existing customers to buy more.
  7. You can improve service delivery.
    • Easy access to FAQ's, customer accounts, delivery tracking, popular payment channels and more will boost your service levels.
  8. You can use your online platform to attract and train staff.
    • Outlining career opportunities online will build customer confidence and attract staff.
  9. You can more effectively interact with Social Media.
    • Expanding your online platform to include social media pages will enable easy social media integration. You customers are on social media channels, and joining them will boost awareness and grow your business. 
    • Interacting on social media will enhance your understanding of customers and
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