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Webo Hubs

 Note: No notes for this product
 Product Number: Collective Marketing via the Most Comprehensive Directory Site Bulder in the World.

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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Welcome to the Home of Webo Hubs, Directories & Site Builders
Our Mantra:
We enable growth & build relationships
A Branded Corporate Business Directory & Site Builder can create a Community of
SME Clients that includes their Customers with reach to their Friends & Business Connections
At the core, we build brand reach
Reach Multiplier= 1 CB x 500 SMEs ? x 1,000 C ? x 300 F&BC ? = 15 million
Do the maths with your numbers: Your Reach Potential ='s (?)
About Us Snapshot
At Webo B2B Brand Building Hubs, B2C Collective Marketing Directories and P2P Person-to-Person relationship-building eBusiness, eCommerce & eMarketing Site Builders combine to make us the most comprehensive Directory and site builder in the World.
If your website is in the 1.5 billion that do not fit on the 1st page of a search result, let us show you how your customers can build your brand and drive traffic to your site. 
Public Hubs
Webo Built Public Hubs 
with a Directory & Site Builders
Private "Password Gated" Info Hubs
with a Directory & Site Builders
Branded Hubs
Online Communities
with a Directory & Site Builders  
Built for independent SMEs, 
Clubs & Individuals
Built to list eg MyLawFirm with
30,000 lawyers in 30 countries
Built to list 100,000 SME clients
with site-building options
Usage of the site builder is open to build listings, advanced listings, online deal vouchers, independent pages, websites, blogs, stores, link & list content communicators, online meeting rooms, coupon marketing campaigns, loyalty programmes, reputation & referral marketing automation - all with social media integration.
The directory & site builder can be used to consolidate (centrally store) information. It's a bulk file storage system on the net with advanced knowledge management and online sharing capability with searchable access to info on say 30,000 staff files (listings) or client files for current or archived information. Best is, it creates a community and a sense of inclusiveness by providing the tools to communicate and collaborate at a professional and personal level.
Industry-Specific Branded Directories for local and international corporate business supply chain communities. International stockist directories, Used for brand building, to enable members' growth and relationship building 
Webo builds and hosts
niche/local Directories.
Webo builds or trains the host to build and maintain the directory. As an alternative, Webo will build, support, continuously enhance and develop the tools desired in the hub.
Webo builds or trains the host to build and maintain the directory. Site building support by agreement.
For 50+ sites with an extended community of listed members.
Members pay a membership fee.
Our servers or yours.
Licencing fees apply.
Our servers or yours. 
Licencing fees can be sponsored or
membership fees apply.
The Popular Option: Webo takes care of all the hardware, software, support, coaching webinars plus training by the Webo Academy, backup, firewalling and maintenance work on the server-side to simplify your IT infrastructure so that you can have more time to spend on running your business.
A key to growth is supplying customer needs. Agile surveys optimise needs analysis by the next question being based on the answer to the previous question.
Communicate with listings, advanced listings, online deal vouchers, independent pages, websites, blogs, link & list content communicators, online meeting rooms, coupon marketing campaigns, loyalty programmes, reputation & referral marketing automation & Social media integration.
Online shops that offer unpriced product showcasing, fixed price sales and auctions of physical and digital products with variation management & promo codes, direct deposit, EFT, credit card and PayPal payment channels including payment and delivery tracking. Ready for any currency or you can create an in-house currency for say loyalty "points."
Our foundations for relationship building are based on engagement.


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