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Why get involved with Social Media and Blog Marketing?

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Why should we get involved with Social Media and Blog Marketing; It's such a time waster! The answer lies in the power of networking. Networking at a local level can be the answer to big corporate advertising budgets.
You cannot expect to opt out on social media. Your customers will Tweet, What's App, Instagram, etc. your restaurant. You have to decide to use it all to your advantage or to watch the opportunity go by. Most people that do not engage with social media believe that they do not have the time to write messages and posts. The the trick to finding time is to understand that the importance is less about what you have to say and more about listening to what your customers have to say. It is better to ask questions; what the best dish, why, etc. than to try and be an original wordsmith.
Establishing a #hastag for your restaurant allows you to gather feedback as can be done by marketing reviews on your blog. Test you hashtag for originality by searching for it on the internet to ensure that it is not already in use. If you have a take on how it can "creatively" be done you could use a trending #hashtag to post a note about a great new special, etc.
The Webo Vouchers Blogs that are established for every restaurant are integrated with social media accounts, and we will discuss and establish accounts that we can populate from the campaign. Training staff to solicit and to answer reviews gets them engaged and teaches them about what to look for, and it turns them into brand advocates.
Consider hosting a competition: Waiter of the month at #Best-A1-Waiter It gets customers engaged, and it inspires the staff. It will also spotlight your best staff and give recognition to their efforts. You could also host a competition at #best-a1-dish for the best caption for a selected item on the menu. This will inspire customers to tweet the caption which gets shared with their followers.
Offering vouchers in exchange for social media reviews offers the opportunity to create a positive experience and a chance to get them to be a returning customer. Having a voucher site allows you to set up links from your Facebook page so that you have calls to action that result in voucher purchases which are committed sales.
Having #hastags allows guests to share their photos. This solves the problem of getting permission to post them on your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook pages. Also offering a password for a "special voucher" in return for sharing a photo with a #hastag of yours generates free marketing as these pictures are shared with the guest's friends and followers.
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