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Why Ensure You Have A Well Trained Dog?

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Why Have A Well-Trained Dog
The time you spend training your puppy will have an enormous inpact on the pleasure you receive during the dog's entire life.
Taking the time to train your dog will strengthen your bond, ensuring a long and happy friendship from which you and your dog benefit.
Considering the time you will spend with your dog, the time involved in training is minimal and worthwhile.
A few basic commands need to be mastered, all relatively simple.
These commands are:
  • Down: This is where you teach your dog to lie down on command, which is one of the main disciplines of any worthwhile training program.
  • Heel: This is where you teach your dog to walk beside you with its shoulder parallel to your left leg on a completely loose lead.
  • Learning the word 'NO' is an essential training aid for any disobedience. Unfortunately, dog owners often make the mistake of using different words or phrases to voice their disapproval, which simply leads to confusion. 
  • Sit is one of the most basic dog training commands and is easily trained at meal times or whenever you come to a halt during lead training. Within a very short period of time, your dog will quickly learn to anticipate your next instruction, either before food is offered or as part of your simple basic obedience routine. 
  • The command STAY allows one to enjoy the benefit of being able to discipline your dog under the pressure of distraction. This is a particularly useful discipline to teach any young, unruly, and over-excitable character - who, up until then, hasn't been able to contain their exuberance when distracted. Remaining stationary until being rewarded for remaining in one place is a useful training aid.  
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