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Understanding the Power of Social Media Sharing

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Our Contact List Apps are Optimised


      For Social Media Sharing

On average 28% of Good Messages are shared with 155 Facebook friends.

1. We provide Neighbourhood and Topic Specific WhatsGood Contact List Apps. They are contact lists for phones.
2. Once your Business is on a Contact List you can step up to a
Free Specials & Deals Site
that is optimized for social media sharing.
3. Next, build relationships with your own "Bonus"
Specials & Deals App.

Are you reaching your target audience?

Done right, Social Media Sharing will, on average, reach
354,779 people in 5 steps.

Thus. on average
1 interesting social media post gets shared 43 times,
Next, it is shared with 1,883 people who
will share it with 81,746 people,
who share it with 354,779 people.

 We are Coupon & Voucher Marketing Specialists & offer:

1. Contact List Apps,
 2. Branded Social Sharing Sites &
 3. Branded Relationship Building Apps

 F       R       E       E  !

Users buy branded coupons & vouchers on branded sites built for businesses.
We charge users a small admin fee for processing coupons & vouchers
 and we work with businesses to get their specials and deals shared.

Done right, it's the most cost effective marketing platform available.

Contact us to get your own Branded Specials & Deals Site

and your own Relationship Building App built ASAP.

Our success depends entirely on your success!

Our WhatsGood Contact Lists Link to Specials & Deals Coupons and Vouchers that are

 1. Contact List Apps,
 2. Branded Social Sharing Sites &
 3. Branded Relationship Building Apps


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