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Engine Outs
Posted On:  3rd, October 2018
Engine OutsAny landing that you walk away from is a good landing. The comment is legend. Any hard landing leads to reflection. Any engine out offers the opportunity to others to be prepared and to participate in the the discussion of lessons that are there for those that join the discussion.In this video the pilot is D
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Pilot\'s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
Posted On:  6th, October 2018
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical KnowledgePilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA-H-8083-25B (full version — low resolution) (PDF, 57.7 MB)Front Matter (PDF, 5.9 MB)Table of Contents (PDF, 277 KB)Chapter 1: Introduction to Flying (PDF, 22 MB)Chapter 2: Aeronautical Decision
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The LEFSSA Flight Training Manual
Posted On:  6th, October 2018
PRACTICAL FLIGHT TRAINING MANUAL FOR NPL LIGHT SPORT AEROPLANE AND CONVENTIONAL CONTROLLED MICROLIGHTSThe practical syllabus flight training at LEADING EDGE FLIGHT SCHOOL will be broken up into 5 phases. The aim of the course is to train a candidate to the level of proficiency required for the issue of a type rating fo
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Posted On:  7th, October 2018
The ICAO aircraft type designator is a two-, three- or four-character alphanumeric code designating every aircraft type (and some sub-types) that may appear in flight planning. ... ICAO codes are used by air traffic control and airline operations such as flight planning.The designator for the Bat Hawk is  X341The
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